6 Beatles songs that have recording errors

6 Beatles songs that have recording errors
6 Beatles songs that have recording errors

Since their beginnings as a band, the Beatles They had a natural talent for recording in the studio. Whether due to the results they achieved in a short time, the harmonies they assembled or the tracks they recorded with limited resources, the Liverpool band was a standout. This quality earned them the nickname “perfectionists,” although they were not always so meticulous with their songs.

As Far Out recalls, from a technical point of view, the songs weren’t always perfect. The reality was that, especially in their early years, the Beatles didn’t have the time to focus on details and correct small mistakes. In the years before their long sessions at EMI studios, the Fab Four had to record their songs in the shortest time possible.

The Beatles. Photo: © Apple Corps Ltd.

A clear example was his debut album Please Please Me, which was recorded in a single, intense 12-hour session. Despite being a marathon task, this did not represent a challenge for the band that in those years enjoyed its youth and enthusiasm. The same thing was repeated in subsequent albums such as A Hard Day’s Nightwhere vitality and euphoria for making music was the order of the day.

Within all that maelstrom – which later became known as “Beatlemania” – the quartet also did not have the time to repair the imperfections of their recordings. As a result, over the years they relaxed and in some songs they left – consciously or unconsciously – some errors that can be clearly perceived. It is for this reason that we show you below 6 Beatles songs that included errors in their recording.

“I Want To Hold Your Hand”

This track managed to establish itself as a classic of the group and has the particularity that In it John Lennon and Paul McCartney sing two different words to begin the second line of the second verse 32 seconds into the song..

“I Saw Her Standing There”

From their debut album, “I Saw Her Standing There” had some errors in the lyrics by McCartney and Lennon, who could not agree on what phrase to say. At minute 01:24, while one sings “I wouldn’t dance”, the other pronounces “I’ll never dance”, while a few seconds later they repeat another mistake singing “Since I saw” and “When I saw ” at the same time.

“Hold Me Tight”

In this song, not only are John and Paul the ones who did not coordinate to sing the same words, but also George Harrison was cut to make the harmony in the word “hold” at minute 1:27, leaving a fairly obvious error in the final version.

“Ticket to Ride”

Although Ringo Starr He never revealed whether it was on purpose or not, “Ticket to Ride” has the peculiarity of having two different drum rhythms throughout the song, which changes between verses. The first tempo is maintained until 1:25 and then suddenly speeds up a little.

“Hey Jude.”

One of the greatest curiosities of the recording of “Hey Jude” is that In a fragment of the song you can hear someone exclaiming the word “fuck.”. This happens around minute three and it’s not entirely clear who it was. According to Far Out, most sources suggest that it was Lennon, but in his recent book The Lyrics: 1956 to the PresentMcCartney claims to have been him.

“Dig a Pony”

The case of “Dig a Pony” is quite obvious: The song begins with an error as Ringo stops the count before it starts because he was missing his drumsticks.. This version, the one that finally ended up on the album, was taken from the legendary show that the quartet gave on the terrace of Apple Corps. Phil Spector, who produced Let It Bedecided to leave the error.

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