From the Presidency, Díaz-Canel offers details of his visit to Moscow – Escambray

From the Presidency, Díaz-Canel offers details of his visit to Moscow – Escambray
From the Presidency, Díaz-Canel offers details of his visit to Moscow – Escambray

In this fifth broadcast, the proposal comes from an unusual place: the IL-96 of Cubana de Aviación, which brought back the Cuban delegation that participated in the most recent visit to Russia.

The dialogue between Díaz-Canel and Bruno Rodríguez took place on the aircraft that was taking them back to the homeland. (Photo: Revolución Studies)

The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, offered this Friday impressions about his recently completed working visit to Moscow, which included meetings with the president of that Eurasian nation, Vladimir Putin.

When speaking in the communicative space on YouTube From the presidency, while returning from his work trip, he highlighted that the Cuban delegation arrived in Moscow at the time of the inauguration of President Vladimir Putin.

In addition to participating in person for the first time in the Supreme Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission, and in the commemorations for Victory Day over fascism.

He stressed that the visit also allowed him to hold an important meeting with President Putin and a group of leaders, to discuss current global and Russian events; as well as bilateral relations and current problems in Cuba.

For his part, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez referred to the importance of the celebrations for Victory Day against fascism, at a time when neo-fascist tendencies are proliferating, and an imperialist war is imposed from the United States and NATO on Russia. , and tools of domination are applied that generate sources of conflict throughout the world.

In this sense, he highlighted the genocide that Israel commits against Palestine, particularly in Gaza, with the complicity of the United States and the major media.

He also denounced that this northern power has toughened the blockade against Cuba, and has just announced additional xenophobic, racist, repressive measures against migrants, even in relation to immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbean.

The chancellor stated that the United States is trying to lead the world back to unipolarism, which is a trend already overcome by history, which opens up major sources of conflict.

Given this scenario, he pointed out that Cuba’s presence in Russia, and particularly in the celebration of Victory Day, together with friends and allies, was particularly important, appreciated, and interpreted as a show of solidarity with a country that supports the Island facing the North American blockade.

Russia is a close country, a great economic partner in the areas of energy, food, inputs and equipment for food production; We have more than 300 young scholarship recipients in that country, which is also a very important source of tourism, said Rodríguez when elaborating on the importance of bilateral relations.

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