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a stop towards modernity while preserving its essence

The historic olive brand Serpis, under the direction of the company Cándido Miró, has taken a significant step forward in its brand strategy with a comprehensive redesign carried out by the consulting firm TSMGO.

In a market where strategies tend to replicate themselves, Serpis has decided to go beyond conventional decision vectors to build a new positioning. To this end, the brand has delved deeper into its core values ​​to identify which legitimate attributes needed to be enhanced. According to TSMGO, “we have sought to enrich the entire brand universe around enjoyment and shared quality moments.”

The redesign focuses on a new identity and narrative, transferring them to the packaging in a way that reactivates the brand’s leadership attitude. This branding exercise has been the result of a deep internal reflection on how Serpis should behave in the 21st century, inspired by a lifestyle where emotion and flavor are the protagonists.

Redesign Objectives

The redesign of the Serpis brand aims to build a new positioning focused on enjoyment and shared quality moments. In addition, it seeks to evolve the brand without losing customer recognition, adding the values ​​of quality and pioneering to flavor. It is also intended to organize the entire product portfolio with a unique and easily identifiable design on the shelves, reinforcing consumer segmentation.

As TSMGO tells us, the redesign process began with a deep internal reflection by Serpis to understand how they should behave in the current market. TSMGO took on this project, seeking not only a visual change, but a complete restructuring of the brand identity. The visual and communication proposal focused on maintaining the essence of Serpis while modernizing its image.

TSMGO decided to work on the main assets of the brand: the color, the oval and the characteristic shapes of Serpis. The intention was not to make a radical change, but rather a subtle intervention that would maintain brand recognition. “We seek to ensure that all the formal elements contribute to activating the consumer’s memory of Serpis,” explains the consultant.

One of the highlights of the redesign was the photographic direction of the olives, which acts as a powerful visual appeal on each packaging. This element was carefully designed to stimulate the senses and awaken the desire to try the product. In addition, a pattern was incorporated that contextualizes moments of consumption, thus enriching the consumer experience.

The redesign also included the reorganization of the information hierarchy on the packaging. This not only facilitates the consumer’s choice on the shelf, but also improves the perception of quality and flavor. Variety descriptors, presented in handwritten typography, add dynamism and personality to the product frontpack.

From the evolution of the classic ranges of olives (stuffed with anchovy, pitted black, light, etc.) to the new launches (pickled, allied), each product was analyzed and refined to consolidate a perception of vitality, enjoyment and flavor. This meticulous project seeks to reinforce Serpis’ position as a benchmark in the market and establish its leadership.

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