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Prominent NOA artists will exhibit their works at Culturarte

“Navigations: art and region” It will undoubtedly be one of the most interesting proposals that Culturarte will have on its annual calendar. Its diverse nature will provide an overview of the NOA’s artistic production, through the works of prominent artists.

The inauguration will be this Friday, June 7, at 8 p.m. in the space located in San Martín, corner of Sarmiento.

Exhibitors: Juan Alberto Arjona (Catamarca), Marco Antonio Avellaneda (Tucumán), José Eduardo Collado (Santiago del Estero), Froilán Colque (Jujuy), Abel Cruz (Salta), Roberto Giménez González (Salta), Rodolfo Edgardo Soria (Tucumán) , Julio Enrique Villafañe (Tucumán), Oscar Zerpa (Jujuy), Benjamín Sánchez (Jujuy) and Irene Serra (Buenos Aires).

In dialogue with JujuyalMomentOscar Zerpa from Jujuy said that the idea of ​​this exhibition arose in Tucumán, “They invited me, Froilán Colque and Benjamín Sánchez to participate.”

Julio Villafañe, promoter of this project, expanded, “I am an artist from Tucumán, I live in Aguilares where there is an art faculty of which I am director and from there I generated, together with another Tucumán plastic artist who lives in Santiago, Rodolfo Soria, this exhibition ‘Navigations’, which tries to show a panorama of the art of the NOA region”.

“We knew Froilán Colque, we had already worked with him on another exhibition, so a communication link had emerged and the idea of ​​inviting him and other artists from Jujuy, the idea is that the entire region is represented.”

Rodolfo Soria added that they seek to show “what is being done in the different provinces with their particularity and with their specificity in terms of artistic proposals.” He also anticipated that the exhibition will continue touring places.

“All artists and the general public are here to enjoy a vision of what is done in NOA art,” he said.

Embed – Outstanding NOA artists will exhibit at Culturarte

What each artist will present

Julio Villafañe highlighted that it is a very heterogeneous exhibition, “we have artists who will show photography, engraving, paintings, drawings, sculpture, a very diverse work to show what is being done in the region.”

“In my case I bring drawings that have to do with the people from here in the north and that have a symbolic and surreal connotation.”

For his part, Rodolfo Soria, stated that he will show works that have to do with the harvest. “I have been working for some time with a work that has a lot to do with the harvest, with the cultivation of sugar cane, where I incorporate a very particular aesthetic with a symbolic figurative style. This time they are drawings on fabric but I also make sculptures , facilities and other things”.

In the case of Oscar Zerpa, he anticipated that he will show some of his best works. “I have selected some of the best works that I see in terms of my base, which is the northern landscape, I have transformed it in my view, looking for something deeper, something more symbolic, metaphysical and trying to vary all that space and look for more meaning,” he concluded.

The exhibition will be open for visits until June 30.


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