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Allende GL, the journalist and architect who dared to paint

(Photo: Allende GL)

Allende GL, Allende Gónzález-Lacarra, is one of the artists of the moment. And not only that: she is an artist and journalist. But what she truly represents to him, because of her creative mind and because she makes him happy, is without a doubt the artist side. Until a few days ago we could enjoy her art in the Espattio space, on Monte Esquinza street, an exhibition that has expanded her comfort zone since it had been a long time since she had connected with the street. What are her paintings like? Of sensations, of her learning, of what she is. We have spoken with this painter from Rioja about the exhibition, about its beginnings. Let’s get to know Allende GL more.

Three different professions

Question: You are an architect and a journalist, two professions that I consider creative… You have a prodigious mind, which profession do you identify with the most and why these two careers?

Answer: (laughs) Not at all (laughs), but thank you very much, really. I think what I have is a very restless mind; I really like studying, training, learning new things… I have always been very interested in everything related to the world of art, spaces, volumes, shapes… and the ability they have to influence us. I think that understanding a little more about this relationship was what led me to study Architecture, and soon I realized that one of the things that fascinated me most about this link is that it is nothing more than a form of space communication. with us and us with the space, to tell us a story, and I decided that it was time to investigate in that direction. I loved both careers and I think that both have helped me a lot to understand what I want to tell and how I want to tell it.

Q: To these two professions we must add that of artist… Of the three, which one makes you happiest?

A: My daily life, for several years now, has been completely occupied Painting is where I have found the best way to combine both forms of expression.although journalism and architecture will always be part of me.

(Photo: Allende GL)
(Photo: Allende GL)

Q: What do you think studying such different things has given you? What is the best thing about each of them?

A: I think above all It has helped me to have a very broad vision of how we relate to the environment that surrounds us, to the world of beauty, to history… but they have also helped me to approach reality from a practical and functional perspective.something that for a person like me, idealistic and dreamer by nature (laughs). It is a tremendously useful counterpoint. And of course both careers, especially perhaps Journalism, which I started when I was already working, have forged in me a capacity for effort and work that accompanies me in everything I do. If I had to summarize everything I have learned in these years it would be: “Don’t settle, keep searching, because all experiences are learning that shape who you are, so, whatever you are doing at the moment, always do it.” best you can and with the best possible attitude, and you will end up finding your way.

Watercolors since I was little

Q: Have you always painted?

A: Yes, since I was little I have always loved painting, so my parents signed me up for watercolor classes when I was 5 or 6 years old, and I never stopped painting.

Q: At what moment did you decide that your path is to be an artist?

A: The truth is that it was not in my plans, I never thought “I want to be an artist”, I painted for myself, because it made me happy, but when I was younger I never considered it as a way of lifeuntil the day came when the volume of orders was such that it was impossible to combine it with anything else, so more than a decision I like to think that it was the painting itself that vindicated itself., and of course the people who supported me and trusted me from the beginning, many without knowing me at all. They, without knowing it, were the ones who showed me the way and led me to be where I am today, and I am tremendously grateful to them.

(Photo: Allende GL)
(Photo: Allende GL)

Style and inspiration

Q: How would you describe your painting style and your paintings?

A: Just as a space has the ability to influence us, a work also has the power to take us to a certain place, to a sensation… I like that my paintings help those who contemplate them to connect with a part of their being that is always in balance, at peace, calm. So I like the idea that my works not only speak about me, but also say a lot about those who contemplate them.

Q: What inspires you?

A: I am inspired by the world of ideas and sensations, that my paintings have something to tell, that they make you reflect but always from a perspective that provides something positive to the viewer. For example, In my last exhibition, DharmaI have taken as a starting point this concept that children are taught from a young age in different countries in Southeast Asia, which means that The most direct way to reach happiness is by searching within yourself for what is easiest for you to do naturally., and see how that can help others. So the entire expo was planned as a journey – search, find and share – to try to connect with your Dharmayour life purpose.

(Photo: Allende GL)
(Photo: Allende GL)

Q: You recently exhibited on Monte Esquinza Street, in Espattio, and it has been a long time since the last time… what does it mean? get naked like this and connect with the public so closely?

A: The truth is that accustomed to my way of working in the studio -so individual and so one-to-one-, go out into the street It’s totally leaving my comfort zone, but it’s worth it, because in the end it is an opportunity to bring together your friends, your family and the people who support you, and celebrate a new stage with them, and that is always exciting. Besides That people can see the works in person is something that makes me very excited, because the feeling changes completelyand being able to be there, and spend some time talking and receive all the love I have received from people has been wonderful, I am very grateful.

Q: And what do you feel when you face a blank canvas?

A: It depends on how the previous introspection work has been, if I am clear about what I want to tell and how I want to tell it, the feeling before starting is always excitement and desire, but There are times when doubts arise and I can spend hours trying to see what is the best way to capture what I have in my head on the in those cases what works best for me is to get away from the work and return when I have reconnected with that feeling of peace that makes things flow naturally.

(Photo: Allende GL)
(Photo: Allende GL)

Past and future

Q: What painters do you admire?

A: I am a great lover of the classics, I think my mother has a lot to do with this, since I was little she has taught me to admire the work of painters like Murillo, Velázquez, Sorolla, Turner… although I am also fascinated by other painters such as Rothko, Hilma Af Klint or Zóbel.

Q: What are you going to surprise us with now?

A: Now I am immersed in some of the largest works I have ever painted, and I am loving the experience, I am looking forward to finishing them and sharing them, but In general terms I would like to continue evolving, growing and exploringalthough always without losing my essence, that although the works grow and evolve with me, that there is always something invisible that keeps them together.

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