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The small apartment of El Niño de Elche illuminated with juicers, strainers and funnels that Nuria Moliner shows us (and that sweeps the networks)

Francisco Contreras Molina, known as Child of Elchecombines, in its different artistic proposals, flamenco or electronic music with poetry or dance. It has collaborated with artists of the stature of Rosalía or C. Tangana. For this reason, its apartment had to reflect its creative and eclectic character.

A video began to circulate on social networks in which the architect Nuria Moliner Check out the new apartment of Niño de Elche. And no wonder. It is a 44 square meter space illuminated with strainers, juicers and funnels. In fact, it is not his new apartment, but his old one, renovated. The authors of this 2020 renovation are Husos Arquitecturas.


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The apartment, besides being small, was in a condition that could be improved. The step from before to after was made by preserving and painting tiles and furniture in the kitchen and bathroom. It was also decided to put lots of flexible storage and cheap throughout the perimeter of the apartment. Changing the atmosphere through lighting is another of the great successes of this floor. For this they resorted, as we have already told you, to strainers, juicers and funnels. Finally, the architects turned to mobile furniture to give a flexible character (hence its name, the moving house). A thorough and successful job for an atypical client.

The video already has more than 100,000 views and comments applauding this initiative. To Núria Moliner’s question about whether followers would dare to put strainers or funnels in their homes as a light filter, she wins the yes with comments such as “With eyes closed” or “There is nothing sexier than good ideas.” “.

The white L-shaped kitchen has a few touches of color.

Subliminal Image (Miguel de Guzmán and Rocío Romero) and Everyday Impressions (Juan Asolot).

In Husos they have environmental awareness and the reuse of these objects is an example of this. On their website they declare that “architecture is a practice of powerful ecological and social transformation. This is why we are interested in investigating to what extent it can contribute to the well-being and enjoyment of the great diversity of sentient bodies that populate the world.” And they add: “At the same time it can serve planetary health, understanding that both issues are inseparable. We are aware of the responsibility that this discipline has had in the climate crisis, as well as in other current social crises.”


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Funnels help create a more festive atmosphere.

Subliminal Image (Miguel de Guzmán and Rocío Romero) and Everyday Impressions (Juan Asolot).

It should be noted that the juicers or strainers are not white or metallic, but in full color: orange, turquoise or yellow for a completely white kitchen. Remember that the bench is one of the most suitable colours if you want to give a feeling of spaciousness and that a touch of colour only increases this feeling. The kitchen at Niño de Elche is also L-shaped, making the most of all the available space, which in this case is small. And for the bathroom, a bath of violet light.

The storage system can be camouflaged behind curtains.

Subliminal Image (Miguel de Guzmán and Rocío Romero) and Everyday Impressions (Juan Asolot).

Metal guides and shelves They cover the entire floor so that the artist can store, as well as have his vinyl and records in view. Two essential sources of inspiration for this creator who fills everything he does with art.

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