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The report by Miguel Ángel Herráiz… Presentation of books in Las Ventas edited by Avance Taurino

The report by Miguel Ángel Herráiz

The presentation, on May 30, 2024, of three books published by Avance Taurino took place in the Antonio Bienvenida Room in Plaza de Las Ventas: He barrier jump, A varied task and Bullfighting of the senses.

He presented the event, as a special guest, Justo Algababullfighters’ tailor and the authors were part of the table Paco Delgado, Enrique Amat, Jose Luis Ramon and the illustrator of his book Vicente Arnas. Honors done Justo Algaba gave the floor to Paco Delgado, journalist, writer and Director of Avance Taurino who referred to the thirty years of life of the bullfighting portal, which is also dedicated to publishing books related to bullfighting.

Paco Delgado is the author of the book Barrera’s jumpwhich has as its protagonist and image Vicente Barrera, a bullfighter who has achieved the greatest distinction by being named Vice President of the Generalitat Valenciana and Minister of Culture, positions that no other bullfighter has ever managed to hold before. In the book you can find references, comments, analysis, reviews, chronicles and summaries of the bullfighting events held in the three Valencian provinces during the 2023 season.

Enrique Amat is the author of the book A varied task which includes articles published in Avance Taurino. The chapters are structured according to their content. In the first two stories with bullfighting themes are reproduced. In the second, an anthology of anecdotes related to the world of bullfighting. Another is dedicated to culture with references to novels, poetry, cinema, theater and music with a bullfighting plot. In bullfighting environments, the idiosyncrasies of the bullfight in countries such as Morocco, Uruguay, the United Kingdom and Cuba are reflected.

José Luis Ramón, journalist and writer, is author of the book Bullfighting of the senses, illustrated work by Vicente Arnás. He compiles fifty stories in which he combines his bullfighting memories with the sensations he experienced.

The starting point is his memory as a bullfighter. Choose a specific moment and the narrative emerges, enriched with remote memories, interweaving situations, bringing together characters and capturing personal sensations of someone who deeply loves everything related to bullfighting and who was also a bullfighter.

He exudes sensitivity for having lived from within what he writes about. With each story, he manages to capture attention to continue until its end, wanting to continue with the next one. The illustration of Vicente Arnás, with his pictorial mastery and imaginative capacity, are essential to understand the fullness of the stories.

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