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Daniel Brión will present his book “The President Sleeps”, about the massacre of José León Suárez

As the 68th anniversary of the massacre carried out by police in the famous José León Suárez garbage dumps in 1956 approaches, next Monday, June 10 at 7 p.m., Daniel Brión – son of one of those murdered – invites the presentation of his book “The president sleeps.” The event will take place in the Auditorium of the House of the Province of Buenos Aires, located at Avenida Callao 237.

The murders of the workers and political activists were committed by members of the security force who were responding to State terrorism on June 9, 1956. “It was the first genocidal dictatorship in Argentina, known as the Liberating Revolution,” recalled Brión, in dialogue with Time. He continued by pointing out that the people “renamed it the Fusiladora Revolution,” he added.

Reissue of the book

In this new edition of the book “new chapters have been added and some existing ones have been modified,” said the writer who, with his work, portrayed the most recent and dark past of Argentine society. Because “the story has to be told by us, those who suffered it,” he stressed.

Readers will be able to make an analysis from the beginning of the National Recovery Movement on June 9, ’56 to the present with the full development of the trials for Memory, Truth and Justice: “They are being held in the Federal Court of San Martín “We are fighting to have the murders committed in the José León Suárez garbage dumps declared as crimes against humanity,” Brión claimed.

At the book presentation event “I will be accompanied by my colleagues, recognized militants of the National Recovery Movement of those times,” the author said. He continued detailing “among whom will be Nora Patrich, journalist, writer, plastic artist; Ernesto Jauretche, also a writer and journalist, was one of the main leaders of the Peronist Youth (JP) during the ’70s and was in the ranks of Montoneros during the dark dictatorial nights of our country.

A generational transfer

For the end of the event, “the demonstration that our fallen will last as long as the people who commemorate them last” will be reserved, the writer said. That is why the granddaughter of Nicolás Carranza, one of those murdered in the garbage dump, Majo Carranza, “will read during the closing of the presentation, the list of the 31 fallen during that stretch of State terrorism that we denounce,” she explained.

Because all of them “lost their lives trying to get Peronism back to the presidency,” he asserted. Majo, currently active in the Peronist Youth: “She is the living continuation of those who were victims of the massacre that occurred in the José León Suárez garbage dumps; She is our true generational transfer,” emphasized the 72-year-old author.

The presentation of the book will serve as an excuse, “to commemorate these 68 years that have passed since our relatives were murdered,” said Brión. He also said that in this way they try “to ensure that these terrible events are not erased from the memory of our people, it is essential so that the same mistakes are not made in the present and the future.”

He explained that they will continue to remember their loved ones eternally and write about them: “We do them because the survivors and our dead ask us to do it,” concluded the writer and activist, who was just 4 years old “when they murdered my father.”

José León Suárez Massacre

The murders of José León Suárez were a massacre of political activists that occurred between the night and early morning of June 9 and 10, 1956. It occurred in the famous garbage dumps of this town in the Buenos Aires district of San Martín. They were crimes ordered by the de facto government calling itself the “Liberating Revolution” of Pedro Eugenio Aramburu.

At that time, Mario Brión, Francisco Garibotti, Vicente Rodríguez, Carlos Lizaso and Nicolás Carranza were murdered by members of the Buenos Aires Provincial Police. Juan Carlos Livraga miraculously survived and today is 91 years old. Seven of his companions who were also detained in the town of Florida were able to escape.

The dictatorship produced – in just three days – 18 murders of soldiers and 13 civilians, 31 dead in total. Some of them were part of an uprising led by generals Juan José Valle and Raúl Tanco, who wanted Peronism to return to the presidency, leading the national recovery.

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