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Presentation of the book Cybercrimes by prosecutor Lucas Moyano – Central de Noticias

The author emphasized in the presentation the importance of taking security measures when using mobile devices and technological devices.

During Wednesday afternoon Lucas Moyano presented his book titled “Cybercrimes: how to investigate in digital environments” at the facilities of the Professional Council of Economic Sciences.

The presentation was framed in the series of talks organized by the Olavarría Volunteer Firefighters Association together with the Industrial Unionaccompanied by College of Magistrates and Officials of PJD Azul.

Led by Luis Occhi, the event began with the words of the Dr. Daniela Tiseira and Dr. Jorge Galdoswho congratulated Moyano for his technical and precise work on cybercrime and the measures to take into account to avoid virtual scams.

Later, Dr. Moyano began his presentation by thanking the institutions that accompanied him On this important occasion, to his family, friends and people present.

He then dedicated much of the talk to highlight the importance of taking security measures when browsing the internet. In addition, he provided recommendations on how to deal with different cases of scams.

Your book seeks to be a tool for those who investigate this type of crimes but also for those who want to avoid them.

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