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“28 days of happiness”: launch of the first book about Santiago 2023 announced | Sports

At 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 13, in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Communications of the Catholic University (Alameda 340), the launch of the book will take place “28 days of happiness: Chronicles of the Santiago 2023 Games”third publication of Vicente Vásquez Feres.

The work collects the experience of the journalist and writer, working for the Santiago 2023 Corporation. There, part of his journalistic coverage is reviewed, narrating golden testimonies, such as those of Santiago Ford, Tania Zeng and Alberto Abarza.

Lesser-known stories are also told, with family members, close friends, volunteers and world figures from disciplines that received less media attention during the event.

In the author’s opinion, “these chronicles express the essence of what we experienced as a country in those 28 days. We breathe a different, happy air. The texts complement my experience with the testimonies I found along the way. “I am privileged to have experienced this and to be able to tell it.”

In his previous works, “Lucila’s goal” and “A life in the throat,” Vásquez focused his fiction and chronicle stories on soccer. A sport that he has been passionate about since he was little.

As he says, this multi-sport event, unique in the history of Chile, brought a great opportunity: “The Games allowed us to fall in love with more sports and disciplines. Team Chile and Team ParaChile finally received the fervor that La Roja awakens in the stands”.

Furthermore, the book proposes an inclusive format. Using QR codes it is possible to access the original material referred to in each chronicle, part of the more than 140 notes written by Vásquez for the official Santiago 2023 site between October and November of last year.

At the same time, the articles can be read and listened to.

The June 13 presentation has the support of the UC Faculty of Communications and different government, educational and sports authorities are invited.

The work, edited by Subterranis and distributed by Trayecto Comunicaciones, will be commented by journalist Luz Márquez de la Plata and Dr. Jimena Schmidt, Santiago 2023 volunteer and mother of the prominent athlete Lucas Nervi.

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