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Philosophy, psychology and sociology for this Book Fair

Here are some recommendations to get to know the humanities and social sciences a little more closely during this Madrid Book Fair in this last week. We can get closer to the new essays until June 16 in this great book event.

He Kant whirlwind, by Norbert Bilbeny (Ariel). A book about Kant that is a very complete biography, very easy to read, which also summarizes in each chapter Kant’s life, both professional and personal (chairs in which he taught, his experience as Privatdozent, his relationships with his friends and with his servant Lampe, whom he fired at the end of his life) with the elaboration of his metaphysical and moral theories. Terms that are usually difficult to understand, such as synthetic judgments, are defined in an accessible way. a priorithe categorical imperative, etc.

The science of happines, by Bruce Hood (GeoPlaneta Ciencia). This professor of Psychology explains to us in an understandable way classic terms of psychology, for example some types of self-deception such as anchoring bias, the illusion of the end of history (the latter is the feeling that we all have that our personality is already formed and will not change anymore). After reading this book, if we do not discover true happiness, at least we know the most common errors we make when thinking, and which are usually the source of our unhappiness.

I was here and I remembered us, by Anna Pacheco (Anagrama). The author infiltrated business meetings at a hotel in Barcelona. Through the transcription and commentary of the meetings, and the analysis of series such as Paradisefrom RTVE, details the relationship between tourism and extractivism, and the new relationships of moonlighting gladly accepted by workers, in what is called the new hustle culture.

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