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Vargas Llosa, the national team, politics, health, literature: how to read without limits (and for free) in Biblioteca Leamos

[Los libros de la Biblioteca Leamos pueden descargarse de Bajalibros clickeando acá]

“I, who imagined Paradise in the form of a library,” the greatest Argentine writer knew how to say. Jorge Luis Borges in The poem of gifts, in 1959. Without knowing it, he expressed in one line what any reader thinks. With that idea, Let’s read -the editorial seal of Infobae– builds a “paradise” of digital books and provides a wide exclusive catalogwith titles that are mostly available for free.

Let’s Read Library is a collection of e-books that are downloaded from the Bajalibros digital platform, with topics for all types of readers. Because paradises have thousands of shapes and letters.

To read them you don’t need to “have an ebook”: any phone, tablet or computer will work to get started. On these devices you can load a huge number of titles and leave them available to read whenever you want. Once you enter you can download a free application that allows you to read comfortably.

Literature on the smartphone. It can be read anywhere. (Illustrative image Infobae)

From contemporary literaturewith a great jewel like the story The windsfrom the Peruvian Nobel Prize, Mario Vargas Llosa, Bordersthe investigation into drug trafficking in northern Argentina Lucia Salinas and The great secret of Perón’s return in 1973from the renowned journalist Juan “Tata” Yofre and several exclusive titles from the reference of the romantic literature, Viviana Riverothe themes, like libraries and paradises, are endless.

There is also a reflection on the police genre from one of its great writers and readers, Jorge Fernández Díaz. and It’s going to endthe investigation into when democracy returned to Argentina, by the writer and journalist Patricio Zunini, passing through the classics of all time like Sigmund Freud, Virginia Woolf, George Orwell, Edgar Allan Poe, Louisa May Alcott.

There are paradises full of colors and stories in the children’s collection, with more than twenty titles for young readers, to titles on universal, Latin American and Argentine history, nutrition, healtheconomics, motherhood and much more on a new website to discover the entire catalog.

[”Los vientos” de Vargas Llosa puede descargarse gratis en Bajalibros clickeando acá]

In the catalog of Let’s Read Biblitoeca one of the highlights jewelry free download: The windsof Mario Vargas Llosa. This is the last story published by the Peruvian Nobel Prize winner, edited by Leamos after the controversy generated by the announcement of the separation between Vargas Llosa and Isabel Preysler.

In The winds, Vargas Llosa seems to allude to certain aspects of the breakdown of their relationship, which fueled the love scandals of the author of The city and the Dogs. . “It was a love of the pichula, not of the heart,” the author says there. However, this story of more than 50 pages, which was written years before, offers different tips to reflect on different aspects, such as illness, old age and death.

The story shows a pessimistic vision of the future – does it apply to the present? – and Vargas Llosa uses the resource of complaint as a form of resistance.

[”El gran secreto del retorno de Perón en 1973″ puede descargarse gratis en Bajalibros clickeando acá]

For those readers who are eager for information to understand historical and political processes. Let’s Read Library It also has readings. The great secret of Perón’s return in 1973from the renowned journalist Juan “Tata” Yofreis another of the outstanding books.

This is an exhaustive investigation that delves into one of the most transcendental chapters in Argentine history: the return of Juan Domingo Peron after exile, in 1973. With unpublished details and exclusive documents, Yofre unravels the dizzying months full of uncertainty that marked the leader’s return to Argentina, as well as his overwhelming victory that led him to his third and short-lived presidency. An in-depth look at a crucial moment.

Leamos Library offers unmissable titles, converted into all-time classics and considered treasures of universal literature for free. For example, from the pages of George Orwell The disturbing dystopian future emerges with 1984 and the political satire of Rebelion on the farm. Miguel de Cervantes guides the reader along the paths of chivalric madness in Don Quijote of La Manchawhile Margaret Mitchell transports you to the turbulent times of gone With the Wind.

You can also read Blood Wedding and The curse of the butterfly, of the great Granada poet Federico García Lorca, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, the seven volumes that make up the monumental In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust and the complete poetry of Alfonsina Storni.

In addition, books Edgar Allan Poe, Franz Kafka, Julio Verne, Virginia Woolf and Francis Scott Fitzgerald. William Shakespeare envelops us in the tragic passion of Romeo and Juliet and Hamletwhile Karl Marx dissects political history in The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte.

But the literary feast does not end there. The classics and the essential voices of humanity are also gathered in the books of Plato, Aristotle, HG Wells, Roberto ArltNikolai Gogol, Cesare PaveseLeopoldo Lugones, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Hernán Cortés, Euripides, Evaristo Carriego, Antoine de Saint-ExupéryMark Twain, Herman Melville and Anton Chekhov, reverberate in its pages, transcending time and borders.

[”Cómo combatir el estrés” puede descargarse gratis en Bajalibros clickeando acá]

Responsibilities, a large number of tasks and hyperconnectivity are part of our daily lives. In this context, the stressthe anxiety and low self-esteem became the great issues – and concerns – of the 21st century. The challenge, then, is how to enjoy life, facing emotional challenges.

Among the books to investigate these problems are How to combat stress, which offers a complete guide with tips and practical exercises for every day to organize ourselves and learn to change attitudes to lower stress forever. The catalog also includes 60 ways to live without anxiety, 60 keys to improve your self-esteem, 60 secrets for dealing with difficult people and many more.

Other titles that stand out are Understanding and construction of lovefrom Rabbi Isaac Sacca, a guide to genuine and lasting love, exploring the keys to successful relationships. And for those who want to delve deeper into nutrition, the nutritionist Francis Holway presents Myth or Reality? Eight postulates about nutrition that should be reviewedchallenging preconceived notions about food.

[”Me importa un rábano” puede descargarse en Bajalibros clickeando acá]

Healthy eating and the incorporation of fruits and vegetables are related issues. He writes about that Lucia Calogero in I don’t give a damn. In the book, the author, who is a Health Coach and producer of agroecological foods, starts from the personal experience of how add more vegetables and fruits to classic preparations that we all like creatively.

I don’t give a damn It is an invitation to pay attention to what do we eat, with entertaining information and easy and practical recipes, so that our future is with a healthy and cared for body. And a key ingredient: love in every meal.

[“Fronteras” puede descargarse gratis en formato digital desde Bajalibros clickeando acá]

Borders is the investigation that led the renowned journalist to travel Lucia Salinas the Argentine north in search of stories that cannot be seen from the most important urban centers. Drug trafficking, smuggling and survival were some of the findings.

The book tells stories of lives on the edge and for that, Salinas He got muddy, interviewed in the rain, and even had to use bulletproof vest to explore some areas. In a job that took her two years, the journalist found illegal stepsdaily crimes and communities that, without genuine sources of work, live by carrying and bringing all types of objects between countries.

[Una selección de libros de Sigmund Freud pueden descargarse gratis en Bajalibros clickeando acá]

The work of Sigmund Freud revolutionized the understanding of the human mind. He is considered the most influential thinker in the history of psychology and science of the 20th century, coining disruptive concepts such as Oedipus complexthe libido and put the focus on the hysteria and the sexuality, his books continue to be the subject of study and debate today. Reading it also helps us understand this 21st century.

Among the free download titles offered by the collection are The interpretation of dreams, Three tests for a sexual theory, Totem and taboo, Discontent in culture, jokes and their relationship with the unconscious and Psychopathology of the masses and analysis of the ego.

He father of psychoanalysis He left a great mark through his works and his legacy is a fundamental influence in the field of psychology and psychiatry.

[“Muchachos” y “El camino de los héroes” pueden descargarse gratis en Bajalibros clickeando aquí]

We beat the soccerWe breathe it, we live it. A few days before the start of the Copa America ypfor all those readers who do not want -nor can- forget the feat of the heroes in the Qatar World Cup 2022Biblioteca Leamos offers two titles to fuel the epic.

The path of heroes traces the itinerary that guided the Argentine National Team towards the glorious conquest in Qatar 2022. This volume not only offers a meticulous synthesis of the matches, but also breaks down the master plays of Lionel Messithe impressive interventions of the Draw Martínezthe surgical precision of Say Mariaand the stellar appearances of Enzo Fernandez and Julian Alvarez. The pages shine with deep analysis, diverse perspectives, and a collage of images that capture the indomitable spirit of the players and the national pride they awaken.

Boys. The Selection that made us happy brings readers even closer to these footballers who, with their victory, rose as real heroes in the Argentine sports scene. The book unravels the mysteries behind the figures. How did Lionel Messi become an everyday genius and a symbol of the ephemeral fragility of human beauty? What transpired in the process of “Dibu” Martínez, between Boca and River, to be rejected and left mired in disappointment? And what was the emotional occasion when Di María celebrated his daughter’s victory over death?

[La colección infantil de Biblioteca Leamos puede descargarse gratis en Bajalibros clickeando acá]

Leamos Library also has an outstanding children’s collection composed of more than 20 titles, among which are The little Prince, Little Red Riding Hood, The cat with boots, Thumbelina and Hansel and Gretel.

The collection also has stories from the Grimm brothers, Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault, Oscar Wilde and Jonathan Swift. As a novelty, the selection has narratives from the popular traditions of Latin America.

To enjoy reading, Biblioteca Leamos has no limits. From any cell phone, tablet or computer you can access the catalog of more than 190 free titles. No specialized device required e-book reading: they can be read on any phone, computer or tablet.

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