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Renova sets up an original ‘stand’ at the Madrid Book Fair | Brands

One more year, Renew wanted to be present at the Madrid Book Fair. On this occasion, the toilet paper brand has designed the Renova pavilion in which different actions have been carried out.

The first of these has been the presentation of six books published by Renova that unravel some little-known secrets of toilet paper, such an everyday product that has so much in common with reading. Among the books presented are ‘Trazos, textures and symmetries’, a photographic tour of a paper factory, or ‘Body, movement and freedom’ where people dance in an industrial setting with a contrast full of beauty. Another book is titled ‘Alma’, an interview book, where you meet the people behind the manufacturing of Renova toilet paper who give ‘soul’ to such an everyday product, and which comes into such intimate contact with the general public. .

Furthermore, within the framework of the 83rd edition of the Book Fair, the study on reading habits in the WC, carried out in this same place but two years ago, has been made public.

The report highlights that 95% of those surveyed say they like to read when they are in the toilet. And by region, the Basques and Canarians are the most fans, with 97%, followed by those from Madrid, the Balearic Islands and La Mancha with both 96%. The least fans are the Cantabrians with 89%. By reading frequency, times they read when they go to the bathroom, those from Madrid and Andalusians win, since 64% state that they always, or almost always, read when going to the toilet.

The paper book is the preferred option for practically half of Spaniards (49%), but more than one in four, 27% exactly, prefers the mobile phone. The electronic book makes its way with 14%, surpassing the classic newspaper or magazine, which accounts for 9%. There are also those who use audiobooks (1%).

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