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presentation of the book Tomás Calero, ‘The Betis doctor’

This June 13, the Peña Beticos Espartanos held its first gathering at the Real Betis Tennis Club, an event that brought together prominent Betis players on the occasion of the recent presentation of the book Tomás Calero. The Betis doctor. The event featured presence of journalist Tomás Furestthe Real Betis Balompié historian Manolo Rodríguez, and the author of the book, Dr. Tomás Calero.

During the gathering, Tomás Furest offered a journalistic vision on the influence and impact of Dr. Calero in the recent history of the clubwhile Manolo Rodríguez provided a historical perspective on the milestones of Real Betis Balompié and the crucial role of figures like Calero in its development. For his part, Dr. Tomás Calero shared anecdotes and personal experiences that highlighted his dedication and love for the club.

The presentation of the book allowed attendees to learn in depth about the professional and human career of Tomás Calero, who has been a fundamental pillar in the health and well-being of Betis players for many years. His commitment to the team and his constant dedication They have turned him into an endearing and respected figure on and off the field.

The president of the Peña Bticos Espartanos, Jorge Pérez Andersen, expressed his gratitude to the guests and all the attendeeshighlighting the importance of events like this to strengthen the ties of the Betic community and keep the history and values ​​of the club alive.

The Peña Beticos Espartanos is a firm defender of Manquepierda as a symbol of struggle, of overcoming adversity and fidelity. The club works tirelessly to promote love for Real Betis Balompié and its values, and the successful holding of this first gathering is just the beginning of many more activities

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