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Bill Gates reveals his list of must-reads for the year

Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft and billionaire philanthropist, made a list of four books that he recommends reading in this 2024 season.

Being in the United States, these are their recommendations for summer, but they apply well to winter in our hemisphere. According to Gates on his personal blog, his recommendations are united by “the idea of ​​service to others: why we do it, the things that can make it difficult, and why we should do it anyway.”

Gates, who currently dedicates most of his activity to the campaigns of the Bill & Melinda Gates charitable foundation, maintains that the idea of ​​service “is as relevant today as it ever was”: “In a time where wars dominate the headlines and “Our politics become more and more polarized, it is inspiring to appreciate those who help others and think about how we can be more generous with our own lives.”

For this reason, he recommended to the public four books that he believes reflect the vocation for service that the technological guru wants to inspire. According to him, these are texts that he read recently and that, in his retrospective when making the list of recommendations, he noticed that they were linked by this inspiring idea.

Bill Gates mentioned that one of the recommended books, ‘Infectious Generosity’ by Chris Anderson, offers a detailed plan to promote generosity not only in individuals, but also in governments and businesses.

The four books that Bill Gates recommends to read this season:

The Women, by Kristin Hannah

Gates summarizes this “very good novel” as “the story of a US Army nurse who serves two shifts on the front lines of the Vietnam War, before returning home to a country devastated by protest and pro-peace sentiment.” ”. The book was translated into Spanish as The Women of War and Bill Gates thought it was “beautifully written.”

Infectious Generosity, by Chris Anderson

This book was translated into our language as Contagious Generosity: The Definitive Idea Worth Spreading. Its author, curator of Ted Talks for more than two decades, “explores how the Internet can amplify the impact of generosity,” according to Bill Gates.

“It offers a plan so that anyone – including individuals, governments and businesses – can promote more generosity,” the philanthropist elaborates before defining that “it is not just about giving money; “He argues that we need to expand our definition of generosity.” Gates especially recommends this volume to those who “want to create a more equitable world, but don’t know where to start.”

READ MORE: Bill Gates reveals what he recommends investing in

How to Know a Person by David Brooks

For Gates, the author of this book is based on the premise that “social and conversational skills are not just innate traits, but they can be learned and improved.” Translated into Spanish with the title How to get to know a person: the art of connecting with others and showing yourself with sincerity, the text offers practical advice to exercise what Brooks calls loud listening (sound listening), a concept that according to Bill Gates “helps the people around you feel heard and valued.”

“It is more than a guide to better conversations,” emphasizes the technology magnate, “it is a map for a more connected and human way of living.”

Brave New Words, by Sal Khan

The next volume recommended by the mind behind Microsoft is not translated into Spanish, but it touches on one of the most current topics of technological advancement: the development of Artificial Intelligence. In this case, the author unites this new tool with education.

“Sal argues that AI will radically improve student outcomes and teacher experiences, and help everyone have access to quality education,” Gates develops on his blog before underpinning his praise: “No one has such sharp analyzes on the future of education as Sal, and I cannot recommend Brave New Words enough”.

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