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Editorial Unimagdalena with free access to its online book collection

With the purpose that knowledge is appropriated by all communities, the University of Magdalena, through its Unimagdalena Publishing House, has launched an innovative initiative by promoting open access to its collection of books, allowing students, researchers and readers to explore a variety of works freely and free of charge on its online platform.

This initiative will allow users the opportunity to consult and download books from various disciplines that are part of the catalog of works of Editorial Unimagdalena, including some that stood out in sales during the recent version of the Bogotá International Book Fair FILBo,

“Our catalog is increasingly diverse and has themes that are very pertinent to the Caribbean region. We have become a reference by exalting strategic scenarios of our territory. This is very important because many visitors acquire our works, which is why we have decided that readers have the opportunity to enter our website and acquire a wide variety of works in digital format,” said master political scientist Angelica Cortés Martínez, coordinator of editing processes at Editorial Unimagdalena.

Visitors to the digital platform will be able to find 72 works with the Publisher’s seal on the website. Likewise, download recent works such as ‘Café Caribe: history and economy of coffee growing in the Great Caribbean Basin, 18th-21st centuries’, ‘Mental health in Santa Marta: New technologies and gender violence in times of COVID-19’, ‘Catalog of Agaricales mushrooms from Unimagdalena’, ‘English as a foreign language in the district of Santa Marta’ and others that include open access.

You can also find books translated in English such as ‘The Colombian ecoregion Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta in public media, 1990-2020’, ‘Co-creation of the energy transition agenda in the Colombian Caribbean’ and ‘Impulses from below for the just energy transitions: gender, territory and sovereignty’.

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