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Plurarity, the book that explains the collaboration between democracy and technology

The former minister of digital affairs of Taiwan
Audrey Tag and the founder of RadicalXchange, Glen Weyl, presented their new book in Colombia: Plurarity. The future of collaborative technology and democracy.

The book seeks to leave the reader with a reflection on the relationship between technology and human rights. and democracy.

In an interview with Mañanas Blu, with Camila Zuluaga, Glen Weyl
founder of RadicalXChange, He spoke about his work and how technology has affected democracy in several countries, including Colombia.

Bail explained that while technology has allowed more people to participate in politics, It has also led to the influence of people not necessarily qualified to be in political office.

However, he also highlights that there is the possibility of a positive collaboration between democracy and technology. He comments that in Taiwan they have developed social networks that amplify points of consensus and co-creation instead of polarizing and dividing.

Mentions the existence of systems that use technology to provide context and feedback to users, as well as the possibility of transforming social networks like TikTok into user cooperatives to promote a more pro-social culture.

Regarding Colombia, he commented that he has met with authorities, including the Minister of Telecommunications and the president, to discuss the issue of transforming social networks into pro-social networks.

Listen to the interview here:

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