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RECOMMENDED BOOK BILL GATES | This is the book that Bill Gates wants everyone to read

The followers of Bill Gates They are already used to receiving the list of literary titles that the magnate recommends every summer. On his personal blog, GatesNotes, the Microsoft co-founder suggests a series of works that invite individual reflection, and that are usually related to personal growth. For this summer, he has recommended “five good pieces to read or watch”, focusing on the latest book by David Brookscolumnist specialized in politics New York Times.

Although the recommendations of Bill Gates They are usually related to self-help, not all of them follow the same line. In this case, the star recommendation has to do with communication skillsand is presented as a guide that promises help have better conversations. Is about How to know a person: the art of seeing others deeply and being seen deeplypublished in October 2023 and will soon be translated into Spanish.

Gates assures that this book goes beyond being a simple list of tips to have more enriching conversations, representing a first stone to achieve “a more connected and, at the same time, more human way of living in society.” According to the tycoon, technology is the reason why we are more connected than ever, but it has also contributed to an increase in the feeling of loneliness: “We may be more connected than ever, but are we really understanding each other?” For him, the book of Brooks It is the perfect tool to solve the understanding problem that exists right now.

Three questions to improve communication skills

In the book of Brooks A multitude of tips are offered to improve communication, of which Gates highlights three: active listening, the importance of asking open questions and the presence of empathy. In the end, the three points have to do with the need to be present in the conversation that is being had. Asking pertinent questions, which leave space for the interlocutor to express themselves, is an exercise in empathy that will make the interlocutor feel heard, and, therefore, valued.

Finally, Gates recommends How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Seen Deeply because you find in it a way to recognize yourself through others: the purpose of the book is that whoever reads it will be able to forge better relationships and, through them, achieve a level of self-knowledge that will lead each citizen to be increasingly better.

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