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Roberto Penas presents his first book at Calvario

Vigo is an increasingly literary city. Its corners invade the action of the novels and more and more names emerge willing to share their vision of the world, both in the form of poetry and, in this case, powerfully human, sensitive and vital stories. On the 21st, Roberto Penas presented his first book, ‘Sentir la vida’, at the Calvario Socio-Community Center and the truth is that not a single pin could fit in that room.

We live in complex times for reading. With unfavorable statistics regarding the preferences of Spaniards to fill their leisure time, it is increasingly difficult to hook readers, to motivate them to enter a fictional universe.

There is a tendency to read diagonally, to tweets and very basic messages that occupy our daily lives and do not leave us free neurons or quality time to dedicate to a book. And, at the same time, there are authors capable of condensing all the depth of literature into a short story.

Michael Chabon says that “at the end of each story, the reader should have the feeling that the wind has swept away the clouds and the moon has finally appeared,” and something like that happens with the writing of Roberto Penas, an honest author, of course. , with high literary aspirations and stupendous results, which makes it, like the great classics, seem easy to narrate. Perhaps because his intention is, above all, to serve the truth of human feelings, and that is transmitted on each page.

This past day the 21st, the presentation of his first book of stories took place, a set of experiences and emotions designed with care, like lifelong artisans.

And, to share that joy with him, more than a hundred people gathered at the Calvario Socio-Community Center wanted to accompany him, a sample of followers, friends and family that shows that not only his writings have that brilliance of pure honesty, but that he himself He emanates that light, and it is a quality that makes him a writer with a great future ahead of him, as well as an excellent person.

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