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Mayor Vallejos took stock of his third term and highlighted the collaboration of the provincial and national governments

Within the framework of the inauguration of the Book Fair in Reconquista, Mayor Amadeo Enrique Vallejos took stock of his management. In addition, he referred to his relationship with the government of Maximiliano Pullaro and the national government of Javier Milei.

Asked by Toti Díaz, chronicler of Sin Mordaza in northern Santa Fe, about the first semester of his third term, he noted: “It is a very complicated time. You know the problems we have, mainly economically due to the very rapid increases in costs, but also the decrease in resources.”

“Compared to inflation and last year, we have received 800 million pesos less for the same period of the year. Therefore, we are losing, only in provincial and national co-participation, a wage bill. That is, we have less income, but more expenses, not generated by the Municipality,” added Vallejos.

Regarding the relationship with the provincial and national governments, he explained: “We appreciate that the officials of the provincial government, as well as deputies and councilors from different political parties, are with us, with whom we have managed to establish dialogue with both the provincial government and the national government. with the national one.”


“I thank the officials of the province and the Nation who assist us permanently. Probably, on Wednesday and Thursday we will have an activity in Buenos Aires. We were already able to disburse financing for works that were stopped. This is very important because they had been paralyzed for 16 months and Now, thanks to this contribution, we can restart them.”

Finally, he commented: “With the Government of the Province we are agreeing on some things to be able to manage from the different ministries, which have programs and projects, so that in Reconquista some specific actions can be carried out and obtain funds that have been distributed in others. towns in the north and throughout the province”.

Listen to the full note here.

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