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Is there such a thing as “perfect happiness”? Koreans have the answer

There is “happiness perfect”? After years of trips to Korea, writer and literary agent Barbara J. Zitwer identified the habits that make the inhabitants of the country of K-pop the only ones capable of achieving it. And she teaches us how to incorporate them into our daily lives through the philosophy of they have (determination), heung (joy) and jeong (the art of giving).

In her role as a literary agent, Zitwer has been responsible for the so-called “Korean wave” in the literary market. During the last years she has served as the representative of Korean authors who have made it possible for the world to know titles such as Please Take Care of Momby Shin Kyung-sook; The Accusation: Forbidden Tales from North Korea, by Bandi; and The Vegetarian, by Han Kang. The latter, winning the Man Booker International prize in 2016, one of the most prestigious awards in the United Kingdom.

What is the book about?

The Korean Little Book of Happiness It is the result of Barbara making Korea her second home. As well as her efforts to spread the culture that she possesses. the secret to experiencing the so-called “perfect happiness”, through determination, joy and the art of giving.

In this book you will learn lessons that will show you why it is necessary to be grateful for each meal, or work as a team as much as you can. How important it is to forget the egocentrism of social networks, and even to get in touch with nature by enjoying several walks a day. And, by the way, be part of a family (biological or constructed) to whom you show love with small acts of kindness, like cooking for them.

These tips go beyond the generation you belong to, or if you know BTS songs, or if you have ever seen The Squid Game. reading this Little Korean Book of Happiness, There is no doubt that you will experience hallyu (the “Korean wave”).

Bárbara J. Zitwer, who before devoting herself to the literary world was a film producer and screenwriter of plays, Try to give your life the tools with this book to become more resilient, conquer joy and master the art of generosity.. The Korean Little Book of Happiness It is now available in all bookstores in the country.

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