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A last page with a “bittersweet ending” for the historic Julián Bookstore in Fuengirola

The smell of printed pages decades ago, their yellowish color revealing the prodigious maturity with which stories written in past centuries remain valid, the books piled up on either side, turning the space into a labyrinth of letters and illustrations, of authors and languages ​​that only knows the one that has been lost on more than one occasion here, in Julian Bookstore. The sensations that its numerous clients have experienced throughout its more than 50 years of experience are what have allowed the Javier Martín Molina store has survived the comings and goings of society, the changes in consumption and in the way and formats of reading – “oh, when the ebook arrived,” he comments –, the emergence of the internet, with the option of downloading classics and news to read on tablets and mobile phones. “In the end the balance was achieved and we came out unscathed,” says Javier, because there is an added value, the experience of choosing that universe in which to immerse yourself, letting yourself be advised and comment with the Booksellerwhich has made the paper continue to be the choice of many readers.

Javier has spent his entire life dedicated to this bookstore.
/ M.S.

This resident of Fuengirola He took his first steps surrounded by English literature. And the founder of the business, Julian Jacobsonarrived on the Costa del Sol in the 60s and opened Julian’s Books Books in this town in Malaga, in front of the Municipal Market of the municipality. He rented the premises from Javier’s family and that was how he came into contact with the universe of letters from a young age. “Julian brought me books when he came to pay my father’s monthly payment and I devoured them,” he recalls. Malaga Today. He started with the peseta – three titles for 25 pesetas – and the Martín Molina family took over the business after the death of this New York freelance journalist in 1991. In their shelves there was already novels, essays and biographies in up to 11 languages, an aspect that Javier has maintained in this second part of the story. English, French, Polish, German, Russian, Finnish… “When we took over the store, the English editions predominated and I took care of ensuring that Spanish was more present,” he says.

The formula to always have genre available for those eager for good – “and bad” – reading is the same one that Jacobson used at the time: “You shopping a book for 4 euros and you take it home, having the possibility, once readcome back here and I’ll give you half back, two euros, or you reinvest in another title; and you can always keep it if you especially liked it.” It is thus that over the years the Julian Bookstore has continued to increase its catalog of works, filling several rooms of the premises where it is located, in the number 11 Spain Street. The number of references has been growing at the rate that its clients, both national, neighbors of Fuengirola, like foreigners. This is the case of Clara. While this newspaper was talking with Javier, she was accumulating up to three large bags filled with “her purchases” from her. Just like Antonio, who lives in the town and for 17 euros returns home with a Dani García recipe book and another dessert book for his son, a biography of Mario Conde for his father, a manual for practicing tai chi for his mother and Death in the afternoon by Ernest Hemingway for him. Up to eight new acquisitions for his library!

Librería Julián opens in the mornings, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
/ M.S.

Everyone is going to say goodbye with sadness and nostalgia to Javier, who has deadline: he June 29 It will be the last day of sale to the public, a “bittersweet ending”, as he defines it himself. And this point and end to a life of love and dedication to literature, especially to this second-hand market, comes out of obligation. A recent labor inspection dictated a series of reforms and changes to the premises that have led to this “difficult decision.” “I needed to make such a large investment that, taking into account that I am also of retirement age – he is 67 years old – and that I must take care of my health, I have been led to this end,” he says.

One of the regular customers of Julián Bookstore.
/ M.S.

This is a very important step for him, who remembers, with tears in his eyes, what he experienced within these walls. Thousands of books have passed through your hands. And from the shelvesto the readers here and there who made the bookshop a must-see place in their daily chores or when they visited the Costa del Sol for vacation. Stories of all kinds, genres as diverse as the detective story and the crime novel to the romantic, the adventure genre, essays, poetry and biographies, “my favorite,” he points out. From Agatha Christie, who is probably the most sought-after author in Julian’s Books, and Javier Castillo, who here too could be said to be a prophet in his land – “I have sold copies of him” – to lesser-known references such as the Finnish Mika Waltari ( Sinuhé, the Egyptian) or the Albanian Ismail Kadaré, who won the Prince of Asturias Award for Literature in 2009. “Are you able to identify all the works you have here?” Question thrown. He remains thoughtful and answers, emphatically: “Ufff, no. It would be impossible, really. I need a time for the titles to reach me and internalize them.”

‘Closed for retirement’ as of June 29.
/ MS

These are intense days and that is reflected in the look of this Bookseller who completed university studies – “I am a professor and graduate in Philosophy and Letters, the branch of Geography and Contemporary History” – but who decided that it was that face to face with people that fulfilled him. A tear easily wells up in his eyes when he shares this story with Malaga Today. There has been a ‘call effect’ due to the imminent closure of the business and there is usually more activity than usual. He faces it calmly and savoring these moments that will put the The end‘to this universe of words, prose and verses that come to an end to move on to the next chapter. A turning of the page that Javier Martín did not expect to come now but that he hopes to fill by dedicating “time to me, which is time,” he says.

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