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DISSET presents ‘BALEARIC BRAND. The book of renowned Balearic brands’

DISSET Consultants has today presented the first edition of BALEARIC BRAND. The book of renowned Balearic brands’an informative initiative to recognize the contribution of the islands’ leading brands in the promotion and projection of the image of the Balearic Islands, promoting the competitiveness, positioning and projection of the Balearic Islands in the national and international market. BALEARIC BRAND It is the first step in the constitution of a virtual meeting platform for the leading brands of the Balearic Islands, which generates synergies and exchange of experiences in areas such as innovation, communication and marketing.

This first volume collects the testimony from directors of twelve of the most prominent and recognized brands in Mallorca, Ibiza and Menorca, from multiple sectors and activities: automotive, agri-food, footwear, industrial design, hotels, nautical, entertainment, transportation, etc. Some are more than centuries old, others recently created; succession of successful sagas and entrepreneurs; family businesses and cooperatives… A select sample of success stories from businesses founded in the Balearic Islands, which open up to explain the reasons for the strategies and actions that have made them an example of competitiveness.

The interviews are a compendium of views on the past, present and future of marketing and sales in and from the Balearic Islands.; of new trends and challenges to be competitive; of innovation, sustainability, and specialization; market strategies, expansion and internationalization; of the attention and pampering of consumers; of the fusion between roots and modernity; of redefining standards of excellence. In short, they are a small bible of success stories from the Balearic Islands.

“When you go to London and say ‘Made in Mallorca’, everyone stops” (…) “Success comes from breaking stones for many years” (…) “What is done here is very good and, all things being equal conditions or almost, it is always better to work with a company from here, because it knows the culture of the place better” (…) “Working in different markets today is much easier than before due to the digital strategy” (…) “Yes “You invest in branding, then you will have a return… but you have to be patient” (…) “It is not the strongest that survives, nor the one that has the most money, but the one that best adapts” (…) “We have always been very transgressive within the industry”… These are some of the reflections that appear in this first book that will continue.

The presentation was attended by, among others, the general director of Business, Self-Employed and Commerce of the Government of the Balearic Islands, José Antonio Caldés; the president of the CAEB, Carmen Planas; the president of ASIMA, Francisco Martorell; Jordi Mora; president of PIMEM, the CEO of DISSET Consultors, Antoni Pons, as well as a representation of the business community of the Balearic Islands. The event, organized by DISSET together with Economía de Mallorca, included interventions by Esther Vidalpresident of the Balearic Family Business Association and Marketing Director of Autovidal, and Javier TalladaPartner-Consultant of DISSET Consultors.

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