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They present “The roots of singing”, a book of interviews by Marcelo Muiño – Diario El Ciudadano y la Región

Next Friday, June 28 at 8 p.m., at La Popular (Santa Fe 2398), the book will be presented The roots of singing (Conversations about Argentine popular music) by Marcelo “Bochi” Muiños. The roots of singing is a book of interviews, originally published on the web portal Of verses and travelersand carried out by the Rosario journalist Marcelo “Bochi” Muiños.

The material describes a series of talks with different references – artists, researchers, broadcasters – of Argentine popular music. Among them are Perla Argentina Aguirre, Pancho Cabral, Marcelino Azaguate, Ofelia Leiva, Sergio Pujol, Bebe Ponti, Atilio Reynoso, Marta Pirén, and many more.

The book also contains unpublished and exclusive material in podcast format (accessible through QR codes); original illustrations by visual artist Noelia Gallardou and a prologue by Pedro Patzer. The editing of the material and general coordination of the project was carried out by Lara Pellegrini. It was published by Editorial Laborde, in co-production with Of Coplas and Travelers.

Journalists Anabel Barboza and Lara Pellegrini will accompany the author during the presentation. After the presentation, the Peña De La Raíz will take place, with live music by Yiyo and Vicky Alancay and Neyén Morra.

Marcelo Muiños is a lawyer, specialist in labor and private law. Mediator. Journalist. Folklorist and amateur researcher. He studied journalism at ISET 18 in Rosario. He worked as a columnist and chronicler on the program Of Coplas and Travelers and in special broadcasts of the Cosquín National Folklore Festival (LT3 AM 680 – Rosario). Write a column on the portal He participates as a columnist in The song wants (Radio Yes FM 98.9).

Creator of the Santa Fe Songbook Project, dedicated to the dissemination of Santa Fe authors with folklore roots, and author of the book Santa Fe Songbook. Cultural folk map. He studied popular music (guitar and singing). She is part of the Civil Association Peña Saucera Espacio Cultural Santafesino and the Association of Labor Lawyers of Rosario.

De Coplas y Viajeros is a multimedia project for the dissemination of Argentine and Latin American popular music, with more than ten years of activity. Currently its main dissemination platform is the website decoplasyviajeros.combut it also has nine radio seasons and two television seasons.

The team of Of couplets and travelers It is made up of journalists and communicators specialized in cultural topics based in different parts of the country (Rosario, Córdoba, Capital, La Plata). Its main objective is the circulation of quality content that enhances and promotes the dissemination of expressions of popular folk culture from a contemporary perspective.

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