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What to read this week: an anti-stress guide, Joël Dicker and the new phenomenon of Japanese letters

Three essential books to read this week and add to the digital library

On the bus, coming home after work or when the kids have gone to sleep. Finding time to read each week sometimes becomes a challenge. How to get out of the daily routine and disconnect for a while? Books. But choosing the right one to read can be quite a challenge.

Infobae Culture made a selection of three essential titles to start reading. And with an advantage: taking advantage of the convenient prices in their electronic versions.

In this recommendation will be the books of the renowned doctor and best-seller Colombian, Carlos Jaramillo; by the Swiss writer, a reference in detective novels, Joel Dicker; and that of one of the stars of Japanese literature, Sanaka Hiiragi. Furthermore, a free bonus track unmissable of the great British writer Virginia Woolf.

[”Antiestrés” se puede adquirir, en formato digital, en Bajalibros, clickeando acá]

After the publishing successes The metabolic miracle and How. The art of eating well to be wellthe doctor Carlos Jaramillo returns with his new book Anti-stressin which he reviews the phenomena that are part of our daily lives: stress, insomnia and burnout. His focus on welfare and nutrition began in the Yale Universitywhere he worked, 18 years ago they made him one of the authorized voices

In the book, Jaramillo provides clear and practical tools to pause the dizzying speed of reality. What does he propose? Stop and give space to the conscious breathing and the full attention, and try to discover happiness in the little things to achieve physical and mental well-being. With vast experience in Medicine, in Anti-stressJaramillo also offers advice to improve diet, rest and exercise, to remove what intoxicates and allow a life reset.

[“Un animal salvaje” se puede adquirir, en formato digital, en Bajalibros, clickeando acá]

Joel Dickerconsidered one of the current stars of detective novels and due to his explosive plots, he returns to the literary scene with his new book, A wild animal. With more than 22 million readers worldwide, the book tells the story of two criminals who break into a jewelry store in Geneva, but what seems like a simple robbery turns into a series of events tangled in a dark and winding labyrinth.

In July 2022, twenty days before, in the luxurious surroundings of Lake Geneva, Sophie Braun is preparing for her fortieth birthday. Her seemingly perfect life begins to fall apart when the secrets of her husband, the obsessive surveillance of a neighboring police officer and a mysterious prowler converge to threaten your safety. A wild animal It addresses couple and power relationships within an environment of envy and luxury.

Awarded with awards such as Goncourt des Lycéens and the Grand Prize for Novel of the French Academy, Dicker once again demonstrates his mastery in weaving disturbing stories that explore the darkest corners of his characters. A chance to lose your breath.

[”El pequeño estudio de los recuerdos perdidos” se puede adquirir, en formato digital, en Bajalibros, clickeando acá]

The Little Study of Lost Memories, became one of the publishing sensations of recent times. Written by the Japanese teacher and photographer Sanaka Hiiragithe novel moves from the first pages. The book explores with a particular magic the power of kindness, memory and life choices. The book invites you to think of your entire life as a photo album.

The story takes place in a unique photography studio in the afterlife, run by Hirasaka. Before his “guests” continue his final journey, he offers them a cup of tea and a stack of photos, allowing them to choose one image for each year lived. He also gives them the opportunity to travel to the past like ghosts to capture a special moment. And the memories themselves?

The characters of The Little Study of Lost Memories They have deep and varied stories. For example, Hatsue is an old woman who in 1949 founded a daycare center among the ruins of the Postwar Tokyo. Waniguchi is a man who worked in a yakuza front workshop. Mitsuru, a young woman who suffered a tragic end, searches in Hirasaka’s study for the key to changing the course of her existence. And then, change her own.

[”Orlando. Una biografía” se puede descargar gratis, en formato digital, en Bajalibros, clickeando acá]

In 1928, Virginia Woolf He had already captivated literary critics with his acclaimed works Mrs. Dalloway and to the lighthouse ―which was also censored in the United States―. However, it was with the publication of Orlando: a biography when his literary talent reached new heights. This masterpiece, published by the iconic publishing house Hogarth Pressowned by the Woolf couple, captured the attention of the public and critics alike.

Orlando: a biography It has a partially biographical basis, since it is inspired by the life of one of Woolf’s lovers, the aristocratic poet Vita Sackville-West, who used to dress like a man. The book tells the story of Orlando, an immortal character who crosses the centuries and changes gender throughout his life.

This exploration of identity and the gender fluidity It was innovative for its time and challenged the social and literary conventions of the time. Orlando lives the life of an aristocrat and diplomat for 30 years, but from one day to the next she becomes a woman. While it seems like a normal phenomenon to him, she suffers from gender prejudice.

First translated into Spanish by Jorge Luis Borges in 1937, Orlando, a biography addresses taboo topics for its time, such as homosexuality and the female sexualityand challenges traditional gender roles.

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