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All of David Beckham’s alleged infidelities with Victoria, now collected in a book

The marriage of Victoria and David Beckham is back in the spotlight. On this occasion, alleged infidelities from the former football player to the designer. Some alleged horns that have been talked about for a long time but to whom marriage has always been imposed, demonstrating that, whether it is true or not, they will remain together.

In fact, they already have 25 years of marriage and they remain as in love as the first day. A happiness that, however, can perhaps be tarnished now with the publication of the book The House of Beckham (The Beckhams’ house), by British journalist Tom Bower.

The book has just gone on sale in the United Kingdom and the United States and includes David Beckham’s alleged infidelities with Victoria.

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The book that could make a dent in the Beckhams’ marriage

The book details numerous alleged infidelities from the former player and, in relation, collects the testimony of the entrepreneur’s former personal assistant, Rebecca Looswho says she had an affair with him in 2004. Loos also says that rascalalways supposedly, David Beckham in bed with Esther Cañadas. This would have happened when the former assistant went to take the phone to David in his room, since his wife had called him, and then He opened the door and found the Spanish model with her boss in bed. This shocked Loos a lot and hurt her a lot, since, at that time, she was having, according to her, an affair with the former player.

David Beckham | Photo: Wilfredo Lee | AP

In The House of Beckham Other alleged lovers of David Beckham are also included, such as Sarah Marbeck, Celina Laurie and Danielle Heathwho have revealed in recent years that they had affairs with the former athlete in the 2000s, that is, when he was already married.

The book also mentions the high society model and DJ Lady Mary Charteriscollect 20 minuteswith whom David Beckham was allegedly in love, as well as the model Charlize Theron.

Will the wounds reopen?

The couple had a very bad time when these alleged infidelities began to come to light.Victoria means everything to me and seeing her hurt was incredibly difficult.», he said about this time in his Netflix documentary. A period that was “the most difficult” for the designer.

Now this book, although it doesn’t tell anything new, does can reopen old wounds that already seemed healed. We will see, however, if the couple decides to take matters into their own hands regarding this publication or if they decide to let time pass and once again everything seems to be forgotten.

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