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Sandra Miguez will present her book “Deliver us from evil” in Concordia

Tomorrow, Friday, June 28, at 8 p.m. at the La Cigarrera Cultural Center in Concordia, journalist Sandra Miguez will present the book “Líbranos del mal”, in which she addresses the resonant case of the abuses that occurred in the Convent of Discalced Carmelites in Nogoyá in 2016.

The investigation arose from a complaint filed by the weekly Análisis on August 25, 2016, “in which two nuns, Silvia Albarenque and Roxana Peña, denounced the authorities of the Convent of Discalced Carmelites of Nogoyá. The institution was raided and whips, cilice and other items intended to cause pain and mortification were found in the operation,” says Mauricio Koch in the prologue.

Over the course of 150 pages, Miguez investigates and analyses the details of this case, and also covers the history of the Church, the role of women within the institution, the creation of the Carmelite order and the stagnation or persistence of habits typical of the Middle Ages, among other topics.

«Two brave women dare to denounce. Sandra Miguez reconstructs this story, reads the legal case, thinks about the facts in relation to the multiple plot of institutions, beliefs, personal insanities. She writes as part of the efforts of reparation, making room for the voice of the complainants, to unravel the knot between religion and violence», warns María Pía López on the back cover of this second work by Míguez, a publication of the Editorial Azogue Libros.

The book was declared of interest by the Chamber of Deputies of the province of Entre Ríos.

Sandra Miguez is a journalist and graduate in Social Communication. She specializes in health, gender and human rights issues. Author of “Crímenes Menores. Género y Poder Judicial la trama de una disputa” (Minor Crimes. Gender and the Judiciary, the plot of a dispute). Honorable mention in the Juana Manso 2020 awards for radio hosting with a gender perspective. Fellow of the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ).

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