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BOOKS | Margarita de Dios Bookstore, care and admiration for books | The Spanish Newspaper

A museum from the outside, a trip to the past inside, a place of which there are few left. That is why the work he undertook in 1990 Margaret of Godwho also gave his name to the business as if to make clear at what level he is part of it, is especially important.

Rescue, restore and care for the more refined bibliophiles books as old as letters, works of art that smell of aged leather and history, that perfume that no collector can resist. It also exhibits engravings, prints and cartographies unique, which cover very diverse themes and periods, some dating back to the 16th century, waiting for whoever wants to admire them every day in their home or recruit them for their exhibitions. And everything that protects Margaret of God He elevates it in category based on respectful care and admiration.

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