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Book of the day: the law of storytelling

  • Brands are no longer static as once thought, but active with viewers.

  • According to Nutrack, the use of storytelling increases purchase conversions by up to 30 percent.

  • The book establishes a clear and effective framework for defining brand identity.

He storytelling It has been characterized by creating stories that connect with the public, which is why an endless number of strategies are created that attract attention in different aspects, so the impact can be shown in a unique way in different stages that it is presented; In this writing we talk about the construction of a law of the storytelling.

According to nutrack, the use of storytelling can increase purchase conversions by up to 30 percent, while 55 percent of people who perceive a story about a brand have a greater impact, according to data presented in Zeus.

The law of storytelling

In today’s digital age, winning and keeping the hearts and minds of customers is more crucial than ever. In “The laws of the brand: storytelling“, continuation of the acclaimed bestseller “The Power of Visual Storytelling“, authors Jessica Gioglio and Ekaterina Walter, present an essential and agile manual on how to use the power of storytelling to forge lasting connections with consumers.

Since time immemorial, stories have been powerful vehicles for sharing ideas, emotions and experiences, creating memorable communities.

In a world where consumers are increasingly empowered, a brand is no longer simply what a company says it is, but what its customers experience and share.

Capturing customers’ attention and genuine engagement therefore requires strategies that prioritize emotional connections, authentic conversations, and inspiring stories that drive action.

Through inspiring advice, proven strategies, and impactful examples, the authors offer business leaders and professionals marketing the tools needed to differentiate your business, attract new customers, and foster lasting loyalty.

This book establishes a clear and effective framework for defining brand identity, developing powerful strategies, and telling stories that resonate deeply with target audiences.

By implementing these laws, companies can conquer not only the minds, but also the hearts of their customers, thus ensuring a lasting emotional connection and brand preference that translates into a positive impact on business growth and promotion.

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