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‘Manual of your own style (and no one else’s)’, the book with which Rosa Iglesias invites you to become the influencer of your home

“Must understand and use social networks for what they are: a tool of inspiration. From these we obtain many ideas, we become aware of diversity, we feel accompanied in our insecuritywe learn tricks… and from the influencers, as prescribers in that medium, exactly the same: they are the materialization of all this, they are the practical part of the subject”, he advances Rosa Iglesias In one of the chapters of his first book, Manual of your own style (and no one else’s) (Almuzara). The founder of El Estilario not only advises become aware of social networks from another perspectivebut invites us to become the influencers of our home in this didactic manual in which the important thing is to connect with ourselves and with our own essence.

Rosa Iglesias, As he already did on his blog since 2008 and on his Instagram profileencourages her readers in this manual not to be blinded by passing trends and to make them our own in an intelligent way. This translates into a cleaner wardrobe, where each garment has a purpose and a reason for being. “The goal is for you to learn to combine all the ingredients that hang on your hangers, creating a style that is authentically yours and that reflects all the facets of your life,” she explains. Embrace your drama, as a starting gun for a journey of self-knowledgeis the basis on which the stylist and personal image expert invites us to support our own style, without falling into comparisons or being “too tyrannical with ourselves.” All this and much more can be discovered in this first book, which It was born with compilations that Iglesias herself had made of her recommendations on her blog with a much more current reading and that aims to become a reference manual from which to get a lot of juice with each new reading.

Embracing drama, the starting point towards our essence

Rosa Iglesias speaks openly about the conception that we sometimes have about ourselves and the rejection that sometimes causes looking in the mirror. A body with which we no longer identify, a style that no longer belongs to us and a drama that increasingly increases when we have to get dressed and we don’t have (or don’t know, rather) what to wear. Both in the manual and on her Instagram profile, the stylist invites us to “embrace the drama” as first step towards a connection with our essence“We are very temperamental and we tend to beat ourselves up too much, focusing on the negative and forgetting about the positive. Both things are part of our own selves and nothing is bad. We have to look at ourselves and recognize ourselves. I am like this now and I have to use clothes to reconnect with myself, not to punish myself,” recommends the expert.

Clothing as a tool and the uniform as a security element

When it comes to achieving that personal reconnection, Rosa Iglesias sees clothing as the best tool, although, as with all tools, it can be used well or badly. It is essential to know how to put clothes at our service because, in the end, it is what defines us. In that sense, the stylist delves into the uniform safety concepta style that always makes us feel comfortable and empowers us. “The uniform concept is more about special resources that make us feel safe. It is not the same to always wear the same clothes as to always dress the same. We can get stuck in a concept of clothing and that makes us fall into vagueness and the uniform is not that, it is knowing which clothes we feel comfortable in and experimenting with them, always within the same style,” she advises. To carry out this recognition of the personal uniform and how to get the most out of it, Iglesias recommends “the photo album in front of the mirror.”

Photo diary in front of the mirror to work on your own style

How many times have we taken a photo to send to a friend so they can tell us what they think of our look? Well now that friend is ourselves. To refresh our wardrobe, Rosa Iglesias recommends in her manual to take photos of ourselves daily (perhaps it doesn’t have to be every day) without any pretension, just to have them stored and use them to that our brain refreshes the image of ourselves. There is no need to upload it to social media or pay attention to our face or hair, just focus on the clothes, the accessories and what made that look special. As a diary, this photo album will help us remember the looks we have worn and that people did not like or reinterpret others, being clear about what suits us best.

The influencer of your own home

Social media is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can serve as a source of inspiration for practically everything, and on the other, it can become an emotional burden. Rosa Iglesias recommends accessing it with perspectives, being aware that what we see is a photo of a specific moment that someone wanted to show, is not the entire and real image of that person. “On social networks we see a fantasy image and we tend to compare ourselves with that image, which is instantaneous. How beautiful that person is, how well she poses, how well everything looks on her… We martyr ourselves for it because we love drama and we stay with what we don’t have,” explains the stylist. To avoid falling into this loop of negativity, Rosa Igkesias invites us to become the influencers of our own home, to see the good and positive we have, but also to recognize the bad and be aware that it is part of our life.

happy estilarias

When the publishing house asked Rosa Iglesias to write a book, she was very excited. She already had a lot of material, she just had to give it shape to conceive this book that, from the first moment, she conceived as a manual. “I had never considered writing a book and I was very excited when they proposed it to me, I just had to give a spin to ideas that I already had written and shape it so that the person reading it enjoys the process. For me it was a catharsis,” she tells us. Two book signings later (in Madrid and Seville) and with the next one on the way (July 11 in La Coruña), the stylist can boast of having helped thousands with her book. of stylariaThe best thing about this is the affection I receive from people. I am surprised that many women tell me that I have changed their lives because they had given up on themselves and this has made them regain the hope to get back on track,” she concludes.

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