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The literary event returns to the Alameda

Vigo Book Fair: complete program and children’s activities for a historic returnFDV

The Vigo Book Fair returns on monday 1st of July to the Alameda. And it does so ten years after having lost its historic location in the Plaza de Compostela. For a week, the people of Vigo have a literary date in the heart of the city.


The Vigo Book Fair 2024 will have an extensive program of activities in addition to the 19 exhibitors There will be more than double the number of activities this year than last year. There will also be plenty of attractive plans for the little ones in the house.

Vigo Book Fair Programming

Monday July 1

12.00: Proclamation of the poet Maria Lado.

18.30 (CHILDREN): Show ‘They’re Animal’ of Paco Nogueiras.

19.15: Presentation of Antoloxia do Rexurdimento (1853-1916)by Ramon Nicholas. Accompanied by the director of Xerais, Fran Alonso.

19.30: Presentation of Or that you don’t have a price, of Xosé Manuel Pacho, accompanied by Marcos Calveiro, Director of Editions at Editorial Galaxia, and for Anton Vidal, president of the Board of Directors of Editorial Galaxia.

20.00: Presentation of The bastard. They participate Xabier Ferreirothe editor Xavier Romero and the journalist and writer Maria Xose Porteiro.

20.15: Presentation of You are dead that I love you, of Iria Collazo, accompanied by Tamara Andres, poet; and Marcos Calveiro, Director of Publishing at Editorial Galaxia.

Tuesday, July 2

18.30 (CHILDREN): Musical show for children and families ‘Little Ramona goes to Lúa’ of Pakolas.

19.15: Presentation of The networks are oursby Marta G. Franco, accompanied by the journalist from O Salto Galiza Javier H. Rodríguez.

19.30: Presentation of the book LIGHT. The untold story of Jessie Owens and Luz Long of Francisco Castro. Accompanied by the writer Antonio Garcia Teijeiro and by Jesus Dominguez Dono, Director of Production at Editorial Galaxia.

20.00: Musical presentation/recital Of centeo and durmideiras of Rosalia Fernandez Rial.

20.15: Presentation of O xogo by Escher (Ribeira Short City Novel Prize), of Manuel Esteban. Accompanied by the journalist of VIGO LIGHTHOUSE Carolina Sertal and the head of Communication at Xerais, Sara Vila.

Wednesday, July 3

18.30 (CHILDREN): Show ‘Violeta’s tales’ of Bea Campos.

19.00: Defreds signature Sunriseand the rest of his work in the Information booth.

19.15: Interview with the journalist from A Movida Tamara Montero to Ledicia Costas about the phenomenon Cordeiro skin.

19.30 (CHILDREN): Workshop for initiation into comics and storytelling from the series Minoca with Ramon D. Veiga and Ivan R.

20.00: Presentation of the book Bicycles are for Galiciaparticipate Patricia Buxaneditor and co-author of the work, and Alicia Rodriguez Malgadesigner and co-author of the work.

20.15: A Café Candelas with… mulleres written by mulleres, Lara Serodio (The unfaithful skin)and April Road (Our last summer on the island)they talk to the writer Maria Nieto.

Thursday, July 4th

18.30 (CHILDREN): Children’s show Linen Clothes of Tulu syrup.

‘Roupa tendida’, by Xarope Tulú.

19.15 (CHILDREN): Touch, guess, scoop… Sensory story-telling workshop for children and families.

19.30: Presentation of A fat girl full of birdstwo Carunchos. With Fran Alonsodirector of Xerais.

20.00: Presentation of Brief history of O Castro de Vigoof Jose Manuel Hidalgo Cuñarro, accompanied by the editor Xavier Romero, and the journalists Teo Andres and Jorge Lamas.

20.15: Presentation of The quiet yearsof Llerena Perozo. They accompany Ledicia Costas, David Gil and Fran Alonso.

Friday, July 5

18.30 (CHILDREN): ContAZ sign language It represents To Suitcase.

19.15: Presentation of labyrinth of Ramon Trigoaccompanied by the poet Wheat Branca.

19.30: Immersive experience in the universe of Rageof Maria Reimonde. In collaboration with the gym’s boxers Old School.

20.00: Presentation of Triton of Blanca Riestra, accompanied by the writer Inma Lopez Silva and the writer Francisco Castro.

20.15: Presentation of 4 Oubiñaof Iago Solleiro. Accompanied by the editor Xavier Romero and the journalist Jacobo Buceta.

Saturday, July 6

12.00 (CHILDREN): Storyteller A raposa muiñeira. The author will be Clara do Roxothe illustrator, Francesca d´a Silvaand the editor, Xabier Romero.

12.30: Presentation of But how come you hit like that? of Oscar Guzman. He will be accompanied by the writer Cristina Rey Vazquez.

18.30 (CHILDREN): Theater: Cardboard Stones represents the work Moby Dick.

19.15: Man to Mana two-voice poetic spectacle with Samuel Merino (Pomp & Pageantry) and Silvia Penas.

19.30: Luisa Villalta: A life of commitmentwith Montse Dopico (It’s about living), Eli Rios (Soul of Violin), Manuel Forcadela and Rexin Vega.

20.00: Follas Novas Awards Conversations: Susana Sanchez Arins (Narrative Award) and Silvia Penas (Poetry Prize), they talk with the writer Maria Landesa.

20.15: Presentation of Andreof Oscar Senraaccompanied by the journalist David Lourido.

Sunday, July 7

12.30: Conversation about Little History of Vigowhere they participate Pedro Feijoo (author), Xosé Tomas (illustrator), Abel Knight (Mayor of Vigo) and Miguel Toval (editor).

18.30 (CHILDREN): Show Or violin of Luisa de Oviravai.

19.15: Presentation of the book Lapis Lazuli. The Return of the Super Warriors of Alba Rozas with Branca Wheat and Alfredo Vazquezeditors of Malafera.

19.30: Presentation of To discreet beauty two tulips, of Eva Gutierrez. Accompanying the author will be Marcos CalveiroDirector of Editions at Editorial Galaxia.

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