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Navaluenga celebrates its II Book Fair

eduardo cantalapiedra / Ávila

A hundred authors, publishers and illustrators give shape to the second edition of the Navaluenga Book Fair, which will be held this Saturday in the Francisco Mancebo pavilion and will have an extensive program that includes everything from book presentations to storytellers, talks with writers, poetry recitals, musical performances, workshops and theater.

A day in which everything revolves around literature and which will be inaugurated at 10:30 a.m. by the writer and professor at the University of Salamanca, Sonsoles Sánchez-Reyes, who published ‘El alma en los viajes’ in 2023.

Half an hour later there will be a story-telling with Paula Melisa and ‘La Cabra que Quiero Mugir’ and Sole Knudsen and ‘Flaminga’, giving way to a talk on ‘Metapoetry’ with Antonio J. Sánchez, winner (11.45 am). of the first International Metapoetry Contest.

At 12:15 p.m. there will be a recitation of ‘On the River’s Edge’ by authors from the Spanish Association of Friends of Poetry (Aseapo), including Rocío Ordóñez, Almudena Moreno, Salvador Fausto Valdés, Javier Fernández, Mariana Feride, Marta Valdecanteo, Emilio Polo Vilches, Mere de Frutos, José Pérez ‘Jotape’, Primitivo Oliva Fernández, Rosa Rodríguez Núñez, Albana Ridruejo, Antonio J. Sánchez and Anita Wonham.

This will be followed by a new storytelling session, ‘Rimando contigo’ with Sandra Escudero and Marta de la Fuente, and the morning session will close at 1:15 p.m. with musical performances by Eva Salinero and Eros García Núñez.

Then in the afternoon, at 5 pm, the local company ‘Las Brujillas’, made up of Paz Gómez, Isell Mattioli, Themis Mattioli, Lidia del Peso, Lucía Gómez, Natalia Myshkovska, Elisa Jiménez, Alicia Mansilla, Alicia Martín and Noa Sánchez, will perform the play ‘Los Pájaros’, and half an hour later there will be storytelling again by Irene Carvajal with ‘Brilla’ and Sylvie Riesco Bernier with ‘Más allá de una botella’.

At 6 p.m., balloon twisting, magic, bookmarking and face painting workshops will begin for children under ten years old, and illustration, fanzines and braiding workshops for those over that age.

A talk-lecture with Ismael del Peso on ‘Stories of wolves in the heart of the Sierra de Gredos’ and the presentation of the book ‘The story of Luis Salazar’ by Julio J. Miranda will give way at 7.45 pm to the recital of the Association of Writers of Madrid (AEM) entitled ‘Sunset in verse’, with Andrés Pinar Godoy, Pilar Alonso de Pedro, Val Marchante Leganés, José Tovar San Nico, Noelia Alegre Díaz, Sandra Escudero García, Susana Aguirrizábal Mayoral, Virginia Rodríguez Herrero, Sylvie Riesco, Alfredo González, María Victoria Muñoz Arenas, Eva Salinero Rey and Rosa Rodríguez Nuñez.

And at 8:30 p.m. there will be a concert by the Municipal Music Band, after which this second edition of the Book Fair will be closed. Given the volume of activities, it could be extended to two days in the coming years, according to the Councillor for Culture, Almudena Fernández, who also comments that during this fair “we will make a ‘Solidarity Book’ with books that we have stored in the cultural centre to benefit Fundabem.”

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