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Coco Roper responds to Lynda Díaz and, crying, defends everything she says in her book

Coco Roper defended the purpose of her book, something that her mother, Lynda Díaz, criticized. (Instagram)

Almost 24 hours after Lynda Díaz publicly acknowledged that the relationship between her and the rest of her family with Nicole “Coco” Roper is very tense; The influencer also responded to her mother on social networks.

Although Coco criticized that the press was going to headline that she was responding to “someone,” in the end that is what the 30-year-old did; Yes, at all times she avoided mentioning her mother’s name.

READ MORE: Lynda Diaz reveals the reason she stopped reading Coco Roper’s book

Crying, Coco came out to defend everything she wrote in her book “Mírame”, which recently went on sale, and regretted that the project that inspired her so much and for which she fought so much in the midst of her illness became a point of contention. .

She said she does not regret anything she said there, she argued that it is her sincere and honest life story and stressed that the book does have a great purpose but that it must be read to the end to understand it.

Coco Roper was in the country a few days ago presenting her book “Mírame”. (Marvin Caravaca)

Lynda said Thursday that she stopped reading “Mírame” almost from the beginning, when she began to feel “mistreated” with the things that Coco wrote about her.

“I knew that sharing what I share would be liked by some people and not by others, and that’s okay, everyone has their things that they like and their things that they don’t like. My book was something that I wrote very carefully, with a lot of courage and strength that I hope will help many people in the future who have gone through things like what I have gone through.

READ MORE: This is how Coco Roper reacted after her mother Lynda Díaz’s statements

“Everything he had to say is in that book from beginning to end. If you read it from beginning to end, you can see the intention with which I wrote, the desire I have to be able to leave many things behind and start a new life,” she said.

Coco Roper responds to Lynda Diaz without mentioning her even once

She also denied what “many people” think that she has not healed the wounds of the past and that she lives in pain.

“I’m going to clarify that, in reality, that’s only between God and me. I’ve healed a lot, God has healed me in a way that I would like you to be able to feel, see, experience, because it’s truly beautiful and that’s the reason why I wrote the book because my message is that no matter how dark and deep the abyss is, there is a way out, whether it’s health, physical abuse, sexual abuse, or traumas that one has lived with. So I also knew that there were many people who were not going to agree with the book,” she said.

Roper clarified that in the book she takes full responsibility for all the mistakes she made in the past.

Lynda Díaz also broke down on Thursday in the broadcast she did to talk about her current relationship with Coco Roper. (Instagram)

READ MORE: Lynda Díaz’s strongest words after confirming tensions with Coco Roper

Lynda Diaz’s middle daughter also said that all of this has drained her of the peace she seeks on her way to entering the operating room next Monday for another surgery.

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