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The controversy over the end of the Valeria series and her change with respect to the books that has disappointed fans

More than ten years ago I read what was the first hit by Elísabet Benavent. In Valerie’s shoes came into my hands on the recommendation of my sister-in-law, a writer of chick lit and an expert on the genre.

Valeria’s saga (pack edition): In Valeria’s shoes | Valeria in the mirror | Valeria in black and white | Naked Valeria (Best Seller)

The novel was fresh, fun and millennial, but the truth is that the years have passed, feminism and I have evolved and now I see aspects in it that in 2023 squeaked at me and that in their day did not.

Netflix bought the rights to the saga and prepared the series, and I thought it was the perfect time to reinvent some things that, seen with perspective, were obsolete these days. The author herself stated that now she does not have the same concept of love that she had when he wrote Valeria, something that was undoubtedly reflected in the adaptation of the novel. So much so that with the third season of Valeria has changed the ending we read.

Alert, SPOILER: We are going to talk about the end of the series, the end of the books and the controversy that has arisen around this, so if you have not seen the series, or have not read the books, it is best that you don’t keep reading.

The end of the Valeria series and its differences with the book

In the original novel by Elísabet Benavent, Valeria has a different ending than what we have seen in the series. In fact, in the books she chooses her toxic relationship with Víctor despite all the mistakes they both made. Despite the scant affective responsibility from both. Even though it wasn’t the most logical decision. Bruno, the third in contention, was the most stable and secure option, but Valeria’s heart was Victor’s despite everything.

In the books, Víctor changes overnight and goes from being a man who runs away from commitment to wanting to start a family with Valeria when he realizes that she could be with another man. If that’s not toxic, I don’t know what is…

Well then, in the series the one chosen by Diana Gómez, who gives life to Valeria Férriz, is not the character played by Maxi Iglesias (one of the most handsome men in the world, all said), but Bruno, played by Federico Aguado. He opts for a healthier relationship for her.

The controversy with Valeria’s fans

As happens when a book is adapted and things are changed (Peter Jackson I will never forgive you for leaving out Tom Bambadil), is that it does not rain to everyone’s liking. Some want it to be completely faithful to the books, like when we saw the trailer of The little Mermaid played by Haley Bailey and the world was messed up. Others hope that the ending adapts to the times.

It is true that Valeria’s ending on Netflix is ​​far from what we read, and that is something that many fans have not fully understood.

In the series, Valeria has learned to love herself and we see how self-love works in this third season and it is precisely for this reason that it makes us squeak that she has chosen Bruno. Not because he’s not someone great and “good for her” but because she didn’t have to choose anyone, but choose herself.

It is true that we all deserve a Bruno after a Victor devastates our lives with his narcissism and all the toxicity that is perceived in the relationship, as this follower rightly says.

But it is also true that no need to choose between the two something that other followers have also seen.

And be careful, we are not saying that we do not like the ending, it is just that we expected it to be different because we have already told you, it never rains to everyone’s liking.

Maybe Valeria’s problem is that is afraid of loneliness and that controls their relationships. Maybe you think that loneliness is the antithesis of romantic love when it is the complete opposite. Bruno may become the love of her life, but What Valeria still hasn’t understood is that the best love she’ll ever have is her own.

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Photos | Valerie (Netflix)

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