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Eric Cisneros accuses that there are “voices” that seek to censor his book on blackness

In the historic Fort of San Juan de Ulúa, the Secretary of Government Eric Cisneros Burgos, presented the book “La Negritud en Veracruz, de Coyolillo al Sotavento”, on Thursday night, where he regretted that there are voices that seek to censor the dissemination of the same.

“I am very proud to contribute to making this legacy visible in Veracruz, despite the voices that seek to censor the dissemination of this book that vindicates the value of blackness,” he said.

Cisneros Burgos pointed out that this is the moment to recognize the full rights of Afro-descendant communities, in Veracruz called afrojarochos.

The presentation of his book was on the occasion of the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition, which will be commemorated on August 23 and which recalls the origin that gives identity.

Accompanied by Sagrario del Carmen Cruz Carretero, a leading academic researcher at the Institute of Anthropology of the Universidad Veracruzana and studies on the population of African origin in Veracruz, as well as José Samuel Aguilera Vázquez, doctor of Law and expert in Afro-Mexican legislation, they developed a conversation about the contributions of the book to the Afro community of Veracruz.

The Secretary of Government highlighted that “Negritude in Veracruz, from Coyolillo to Sotavento”, also means the opportunity to rescue the elements that contributed to the construction of Afrojarocha culture and identity in our times.

“I wrote this book because my motivation was to recognize the cultural roots that emerged from the largest forced migration movement in history in the world,” he highlighted.

Finally, Cisneros Burgos explained that the format of the book allows the new generations to get closer to the historical value of Afro-descendants, honoring the women and men who overcame discrimination.

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