Homemade avocado oil, simple recipe

Homemade avocado oil, simple recipe
Homemade avocado oil, simple recipe

Enter a meal plan It not only implies that we must modify the content of our foods, it is a way in which we learn to eat healthily and combine our elements in each of the meals. Of course, this would not be possible without having a healthy oil and one of the most popular is avocado oil.

He avocado oil has stood out for being from a high calorie content and essential fats, which are extremely beneficial and can be perfect to complement our diet. This has regenerative and protective properties, which are ideal for cracked hands and dry skin, due to the content of vitamin E, A, fatty acids and proteins, among others.

Make a type of avocado oil In reality it is not complete at all and, although. Nowadays we can find countless brands that claim to be the best, we cannot rule them out, there will never be anything better than having a homemade version and for this reason, we will let you have a version of homemade avocado oil.

Important information: You have two ways to make this avocado oil:

  • Slow process: Leaving the avocado to dry in the sun for one or two days.
  • Quick process: Baked

Kind of food


Preferred brands:

The ones of your preference.


  1. You must extract the pulp from the avocado and mash with a mortar. You could do this procedure in the blender, depending on what you liked best.
  2. The next thing will be to transfer to a baking tray, spreading the avocado pulp greatly and having an extremely thin layer. This will make drying easier.
  3. If you choose the oven method, you must bake it at no more than 50ºC for five hours. but make sure it doesn’t turn black.
  4. Scrape and transfer to a clean cotton cloth.
  5. Squeeze until the oil is completely removed.
  6. And ready.

Nutritional information

  • Calories: 124kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg
  • Proteins: 0g
  • Sugars: 0g
  • Fibers: 0g
  • Sodium: 0mg
  • Total Fats: 14g
  • Saturated fats: 1g
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