How the Chinese company JAC managed to step on the heels of Foton in the sale of trucks in Colombia

Colombia has been a very important place for brands from all over the world to bring their vehicles. Here, we have a wide variety of companies that have a varied and very interesting portfolio for the buyer. But this is not exclusive to vehicles for daily use, as it also happens with cargo vehicles. In fact, in the country, there are several brands that are fighting for first place in this segment. One of them is JAC, a Chinese company that landed in 2006 with its vehicles and today they are very recognized in the country. Although of course, it has a strong fight with a company that also comes from the same place.

Even so, the brand continues to fight in Colombia and continues to be present. Of course, achieving this is not an easy task. However, since their arrival, their vehicles were presented with an advantage for the Colombian terrain, which made them very striking. But before giving this review, it is necessary that we stop and see how JAC started and how it arrived in Colombia with its portfolio.

This is how JAC, the Chinese truck brand, started

It must be said, this manufacturer has been dedicated to the automotive world for many years. A company with extensive experience, which is reflected in its influence throughout the world. JAC was founded in 1964, when the automobile plant was established in China. Initially, the company started with the production of small tonnage trucks. It was not until 1968 that the brand’s first original vehicle was created. The road was not easy for this company and it had to face various obstacles to stay on its feet. In fact, in 1990, the plant was demolished. Even so, the dream of its workers did not go out.

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With a lot of effort they brought JAC back to life, although this time it would be done in a different way. This is how the company entered the world of bus chassis and surprisingly, its sales improved. Their product was a total success, as they were quite versatile. These vehicles were made by a large group of workers, since they did not have the technology to make it different.

One of the first JAC cargo vehicles, which were completely handmade by the factory workers.

However, as we have already seen in other companies, they decided to expand their portfolio. They did this by creating a separate division, which would be in charge of manufacturing vehicles in other categories. Of course, to fight in another segment, JAC had to improve its technology. This is how at the turn of the century, in the early years, we met the brand’s first non-cargo vehicle. A very important event, since now the sun was definitively rising for this company that almost saw its end. Years later they landed in Colombia with a unique portfolio.

The arrival of this company’s portfolio to Colombia

Starting in 2002, JAC improved its catalog and expanded its portfolio of cargo vehicles. The brand was going through a great moment and all these advances demonstrated it. They even presented an engine so incredible that it earned them first place in China. Their advancement and expansion were imminent. This is how in 2006, the brand’s first vehicles landed in Colombia. This was a milestone, and not only was it important news for the brand, it was also important for the country. A brand that was making so much progress saw Colombia as a key place to sell its models.

This is how, under the representation of Autocom SA, we were able to see the first models rolling through Colombia. After their arrival, they managed to be well received by the Colombian public. Back then, media like Time, reported that the brand had sold more than 1,100 roads in 14 months. Data that only reinforced the great reception that these models had had in the country. In addition, its design and features were very useful for the Colombian terrain, they adapted very well. Without a doubt, these vehicles were the great sensation at the time. Although the brand has not only made a presence with its truck portfolio.

In fact, JAC also brought its pickups, SUVS and vans, a very complete portfolio. Furthermore, in recent years, the company has worked significantly to improve its vehicles, in all segments. Something very important, taking into account the current needs of customers. Although it is true that currently there is great competition from brands, JAC is still valid in the Colombian market. Its models are still present and it continues to give the fight to some other companies like Foton. Even so, its logo continues to be seen on the streets and highways of the country.

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