The Dane reported that May inflation was 7.16%, it remained the same as in April

The Dane reported that May inflation was 7.16%, it remained the same as in April
The Dane reported that May inflation was 7.16%, it remained the same as in April

The National Administrative Department of Statistics, Dane, delivers today a new update on the behavior of inflation in Colombia, of which, analysts expect it to continue to decline, but at a slower rate.

According to the most recent Citibank expectations survey of 24 market analysts and economic research centers, May inflation is expected fell from 7.16% to 7.15% on average.

If the analysts’ projection materializes, It would be the 14th consecutive month in which prices continue to lower their inflation rate. However, in May it would be the lowest reduction since this disinflation cycle began in March of last year.

If expectations of 7.15% inflation in May are metthe figure would be reduced by just one basis point, well below the average drop of 49 basis points which he had been holding for a year.

Although it is positive that the reduction in inflation continues, Yes, experts are concerned that the trend is slowing down. According to Luis Fernando Mejía, executive director of Fedesarrollo, the CPI data for May will allow interest rates to continue falling, from the Bank of the Republic.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Valledupar and Sincelejo, with the highest inflation

According to information from Dane, 10 main cities maintained inflation above the national average, with Valledupar (9.01%) and Sincelejo (8.48%) as those with the most inflation.

Education, restaurants and accommodation, what marked the most

According to Dane figures, lThe categories of Education (11.42%), Restaurants and hotels (9.76%) and Accommodation, water, electricity, gas and other fuels (9.14%)were the items that most influenced inflation in May

May inflation was 7.16%

The National Administrative Department of Statistics, Dane, announced that the Inflation in May remained at 7.16%, the same as in April of this year.

According to Dane, The monthly CPI for May was 0.43%, so far this year it was 3.78%

Rent and gasoline, what became most expensive

According to the Dane inflation report, imputed rent (8.02%), vehicle fuels (29.14%)effective rent (8.24%) were the subclasses that increased their prices the most in May.

They were followed byMeals in table service and self-service establishments (9.62%), electricity (18.35%), urban transport (includes train and metro) (8.76%).

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