an appliance that generates 19 liters of drinking water per day

an appliance that generates 19 liters of drinking water per day
an appliance that generates 19 liters of drinking water per day

Water is an essential and increasingly scarce resource. In Spain, the situation is critical due to a severe drought that persists despite recent rains. With the imminent arrival of summer and the increase in temperatures, the situation worsens. To face this crisis, many are turning to technology to come up with inventions such as one that uses solar panels to generate 500 liters per day or a machine that cools the house and produces 5.5 liters per hour. Recently, a company has presented an appliance capable of generating up to 19 liters of drinking water per day.

DrinkingMaker, an American company, has created a new appliance capable of generating water from air and making it completely drinkable. Its about The Next-Gen 3-in-1 Atmospheric Water Dispenser (AWD), an invention that It’s about the size of a countertop espresso maker. and that emerges as an interesting solution to face drought; and that can be used in those areas where the water is not potable and filtration systems, special jugs or bottled water are usually used.

It is an atmospheric generator, that is, a device that extracts water from humid ambient air. The AWD is represented as an innovative and accessible solution to generate sustainable drinking water, combining efficiency, waste reduction and improved air quality in a single device. A technology that has carried out a campaign in Indiegogo looking for financing and that can be purchased for 329 dollars, which in exchange is about 306 euros; although it also has a Pro model that costs 10 euros more.

19 liters a day

The AWD is a system that has a simple operation and this appliance extracts humidity from the air and passes the obtained water through a six-stage filtration system which uses layers of cotton, activated carbon or another series of fibers to remove contaminants. Subsequently, it subjects the water to ultraviolet light to kill any remaining microbes, achieving a purification rate of 99.9%, according to its manufacturers.

An appliance that is 3 in 1, as it dehumidifies, produces drinking water and cleans the air simultaneously. AWD uses HEPA technology to clean the surrounding air, ensuring a healthier environment. And, if that were not enough, you can also improve water quality thanks to the use of different minerals through additional cartridges and cool it quickly to offer ice water in just two minutes.

This is AWD, an appliance that generates 19 liters of drinking water per day

The American company also plans to market cartridges that flavor water in the future. This appliance comes in two different models: a basic one that produces up to 14 liters of clean water per day and a Pro version that increases this amount to 19 liters and includes solar panels so you can use it anywhere, such as camping; and? With one hour of use of these panels you get between 4 and 5 liters.

Both versions They perfectly cover the daily demand of a family of between five and seven members., according to the company; and offer a compact design, making them suitable for use in any kitchen, including the most modern looking ones. DrinkingMaker notes on the product page that with up to 790 milliliters of dehumidification per hour, its system can quickly reduce humidity levels from 80 to 60 percent in just an hour and a half.

In this way, the appliance offers a dry and comfortable environment for the family. The AWD also stands out for being quiet while in operation, as it does not exceed 40 dB. Of course, it is not the first time that a device of this type that produces water from the air appears, since a while ago the Watergen Mobile Box came to light, which was said to produce 20 liters of water a day from the atmospheric humidity.

A series of advantages

DrinkingMaker explains that its AWD 3-in-1 appliance offers a number of benefits. The first of them is that by generating drinking water directly from the air, the invention reduces dependence on plastic bottles, which serves to contribute to reducing the amount of plastic waste that pollutes the environment. On the other hand, and unlike similar systems, instead of discarding the water collected by dehumidifiers, this machine converts it into a useful resource.

The AWD appliance.



And with this it manages to both optimize the use of water and conserve this precious resource. Another advantage that the WAD offers is that it has the option of adding solar panels, so can operate in remote areas using clean, renewable energy to generate water that can be consumed directly from nature’s fresh air. It can even be used in laboratories, natural disaster or war zones. The last benefit that the company highlights is its ability to purify the air, improving the quality of the indoor air of a home.

This, in turn, reduces allergens and contaminants, which is beneficial for the health of users. A technology that is currently carrying out a crowdfunding campaign and it is not known if it will end up being offered in the real world, but the truth is that the company is finding great support and has far exceeded its financing goal. If everything goes as planned, AWD is expected to be available in September this year.

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