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Is it reported? This is how you can know if you have debts with your ID number

The entities known as Central risk They are responsible for managing the information linked to the credit behavior of an individual. The biggest fear for users is to appear in a negative report of these entitieswhat you can have adverse repercussions when applying for credit.

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According to Datacrédito Experian, any person over 18 years of age who has opened a savings account, a checking account or has some type of obligation with an entity can be reported, if the entity to whom it is owed requests it.

Users can have positive reports (fulfillment of obligations) or negative (non-compliance).

Understanding the score in Datacrédito

The most important risk centers in the country are Datacredit Experian, Transunión -CIFIN and Procreditall under the supervision of the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, SIC.

Datacrédito uses a credit score that varies between 150 and 950 points. In this sense, The closer you are to 950, the better the score.. However, a person is considered to have good credit behavior from 700 points.

How to check if I am reported in Datacrédito?

There are several options available to check your history and score in Datacrédito, provided by each of the authorized risk centers. Likewise, some companies from the technology and financial sector also offer this service through the internet.

One of the options you can consider is the following, through the Experian Datacrédito platform:

  • Enter the Datacrédito website or by clicking HERE.
  • Create your user.
  • Sign in.
  • Upon entering you will find the ‘My score’ option on the left side of the screen. Click on that option.
  • There you will be asked to fill out a form with your personal information. Please note that to know your score you will have to pay a value of $19,400which you can pay for PSE or debit/credit card.

After making the payment, the page will show you a report on your Datacrédito score.

Please note that this service is also offered by other risk centers as Transunión -CIFIN and Procrédito, which offer different alternatives in terms of service plans that can allow you consult your score and reports, during a certain period of time.

What to do if I have a negative report?

The first thing you should know is that negative reports are generated when timely payment of your financial commitments is not made, so going into default affects your history.

One of the ways to pay off the debt and get out of the credit bureaus is, of course, to pay the entire amount owed. However, there are people who do not have the necessary resources to do so, given which there are alternatives to resolve the debt.

According to Law 1266 of 2008, if the default was less than two years, the negative data will last twice as long as the debtor was in default; If it was greater, it will be maintained for four years from the payment of the debt. You can approach financial institutions to reach an agreement before the debt progresses.

You should keep in mind that once a debt obligation is extinguished (either by paying it or when it is extinguished), The negative report in the risk centers does not disappear immediately.

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