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Experts scare Colombians: they set a start date for the inevitable rise in the price of ACPM

Currently, the average price of a gallon of ACPM (diesel) is $9,065 – credit

Colombia’s economic scenario faces a financial crossroads around the management of the deficit in the Fuel Price Stabilization Fund (Fepc). The central discussion lies in the necessary adjustment of the diesel price (ACPM).

According to revelations by the Autonomous Committee of the Fiscal Rule (Carf) to the Congress of the Republic, if the Government decides to increase the price by $2,000 per gallon, the deficit would be $9.1 billion. However, maintaining the current price could cause the deficit to escalate to $11.3 trillion.

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Negotiations between the Government and the transporters remain stalled. Since the last meeting, on February 7, there has been no progress in finding an agreement. The transporters propose an increase in the price of diesel limited to $1,500 per gallon, arguing national self-sufficiency in the production of this fuel. On the other hand, Economic experts suggest that the increase should be close to $5,000 graduallyto effectively manage the deficit without triggering marked recessionary effects.

In the middle of this impasse, The Government explores the possibility of applying differential measures for critical sectors such as mass passenger transportation and food transportation. Although this measure seeks to counteract the impact of the adjustment, it has received criticism from transporters, who consider that it would not adequately compensate for the increase in operating costs that an increase in the price of diesel would imply.

During March 2024, monthly inflation closed at 0.70%, while the interannual inflation closed at 7.36% – Colpresa credit

Economic think tanks have expressed the need for the Government to analyze the behavior of inflation and adopt prudent measures.

Both the president of Anif, José Ignacio López, and the executive director of Fedesarrollo, Luis Fernando Mejía, told Noticias Uno that an adjustment in diesel rates (ACPM) should be postponed until the second half of the year, at which time , if inflation shows signs of slowing, a gradual price revision could be considered.

“It is important that the Government resume this discussion,” they emphasized by arguing that a measured strategy would allow addressing the deficit without sacrificing economic stability.

The situation highlights the delicate balance that the Government must maintain between fiscal management and support for key sectors of the economy, especially in a context in which the country’s energy self-sufficiency could play a determining role in the adoption of public policies. more sustainable in the long term. And an increase, according to the transporters, would significantly impact the cost of living of Colombians.

For this reason, they propose a formula called Colombia Price. This contemplates the elimination of taxes (national and two VAT) and is based on the income to the producer and the income to the biodiesel producer. This, taking into account that currently the calculation is made with the income to the producer (90%), income to the biodiesel producer (10%), logistics (wholesale distributor plus retail distributor and transportation and taxes (the national and two VAT).

The hope of finding common ground between the parties involved remains valid, with a view to overcoming the current stagnation and moving towards solutions that benefit the entire Colombian society, maintaining economic stability as a fundamental pillar.

The national average price of regular gasoline is currently $15,416, after the adjustments made by the Government to close the gap for this type of fuel in the Fepc – Colpresa credit

According to the national government, The average price of ACPM in Colombia currently is $9,065. According to the latest fuel price table of the 13 main cities in the country, Cali (Valle del Cauca) is where this liquid is most expensive, since the average is $9,484.

In the other cities it is presented as follows:

  • Bogotá DC: $9,357.
  • Medellín (Antioquia): $9,372.
  • Barranquilla (Atlántico): $9,060.
  • Cartagena (Bolívar): $9,028.
  • Montería (Córdoba): $9,278.
  • Bucaramanga (Santander): $9,125.
  • Villavicencio (Goal): $9,457.
  • Pereira (Risaralda): $9,429.
  • Manizales (Caldas): $9,417.
  • Ibagué (Tolima): $9,348.
  • Pasto (Nariño): $8,396.
  • Cúcuta (Norte de Santander): $7,089.
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