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The 6 tips from a Human Resources expert to improve your CV on LinkedIn

This network is a powerful tool to achieve professional goals and get good jobs. How to optimize it, below.

In the digital age, The importance of a well-optimized LinkedIn profile surpassed even that of the traditional resume. Recruiters search for candidates using specific keywords, and a carefully crafted profile can make all the difference in your job search. A Human Resources expertMadeline Mann, shares valuable tips to stand out on this platform so relevant to today’s job market.

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The well-known blogger and Human Resources expert observed the growing importance of LinkedIn in the recruiting process. With years of experience recruiting talent, Mann offers her valuable perspective to Optimize your LinkedIn profile and increase your chances of success in your job search.


6 tips to improve your CV on LinkedIn

1. Activate the “job search” mode strategically

Set up your profile so that the selection technicians can see it, avoiding explicit mentions of job search on your cover. This option allows you to indicate details such as the type of job desired, location, availability, among others, without it being seen publicly, which can be useful to avoid alerting your current employer about your active job search.

2. Use keywords in the headline

Make sure your headline contains keywords relevant to the position you are applying for, increasing your visibility in searches. For example, if you are looking for a job as a software developer, include terms such as “software developer”, “programmer”, “web development”, among others, so that your profile is more easily found by recruiters.

3. Select an appropriate and public profile photo

Your profile photo is the first impression recruiters will have of you, so choose a professional image and make sure it’s visible to all LinkedIn members. Avoid photos with excessive filters or unprofessional images, and opt for a clear, well-lit image in which your face is clearly visible.


4. Complete the “About” section persuasively

This section is your opportunity to highlight your achievements and skills in a first-person summary. Use it to tell your professional story convincingly, highlighting your main achievements, skills and experiences relevant to the position you are applying for. Be clear and concise, and be sure to convey your passion and enthusiasm for your field of work.

5. Detail your experience in an attractive way

Use clear and friendly descriptions for reading in the experience section, incorporating keywords and relevant multimedia content, such as links to completed projects, certifications obtained or work samples. Highlight your main responsibilities and accomplishments in each position, and use bullet points or lists to make reading easier and highlight the most important information.

6. Optimize the skills and abilities section

Carefully select the Relevant keywords in the skills and abilities section, and be sure to include those that are relevant to the position you are applying for. Additionally, maintain constant activity on the platform by publishing relevant content, such as articles, comments on other users’ posts, or updates about your professional achievements. This will help you keep your profile active and increase your visibility among potential recruiters and employers.

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