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Who is Robin Li Yanhong, the Chinese billionaire who created one of the most used internet search engines in the world

There are many cases of people who, born into a humble family, have achieved economic success that their parents could only dream of. It is the case of Robin Li Yanhong, originally from Yangquanin Shanxi province.

Today, and according to ForbesLi is among the 50 richest businessmen in China and within the category of billionaires.


Baidu is also active in autonomous vehicle technologies.


Who is Robin Li Yanhong, the Chinese billionaire creator of Baidu

What is impressive about Li is his rise in the world of technology, which began with two studies. In the Peking University He studied Administration, specializing in information management. She then completed a PhD in computer science in 1994, a booming sector.

IDD Information Services was his first jobwhere he helped create an online editing system for the Wall Street Journal. His masterpiece came in 1996 with a program called Rankdeskan algorithm that ranks pages in search engine results.

This program had a unique link analysis system that measured the quality of a website based on the sites that linked to it. In 1996, Larry Page was based on this program to launch his patent two years later and create the search engine that we know today as Google.

Baidu, the leading internet search engine in Asia

In the year 2000 he was born Baiduthe company he founded with Eric Xu and of which he remains CEO today. For more than 20 years, Li has been a pioneer and visionary in the world of technology. In China, he has been able to adapt to his competitor by offering an endless number of applications such as Baidu Maps, Wangpan (similar to Google Drive) and a system of advertising spaces to obtain income.

Robin Li It has known how to move perfectly in a market without competition, until the arrival of Google. However, its most loyal users in Asia and throughout the world have allowed it to position itself as the great internet search engine.

In addition to its relationships with other important companies in the world of technology, Li is involved in projects related to artificial intelligence. His response to Sam Altman’s AI has been Ernie Botwhich performs similar tasks to its American counterpart present in services like Bing.

And this is only part of it, since you are working on what is known as Robocar. This is his first autonomous car, which could catch up with Tesla or even surpass it. This vehicle is expected to offer an environment predictive system for safe and comfortable driving.

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