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Training in e-commerce: an opportunity for the first young job and the development of SMEs in Latin America

In 2023, e-commerce will exceed $117 billion in retail sales in Latin America. The figure is expected to double in 2028. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

With the increase in online shopping, knowing about e-commerce has become a crucial skill for both those looking for their first quality job and for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) seeking to differentiate themselves in an increasingly competitive market. .

According to Statista Digital Market Insights, in 2023 e-commerce will surpass a retail sales value of 117 billion dollars in Latin America, growing 30% compared to the previous year. According to the same survey, This figure is expected to almost double by 2028, reaching more than 205,000 million dollars.

For young, e-commerce represents a promising job opportunity. In a context where remote work is increasingly accepted and promoted, e-commerce skills allow young people to work from anywhere, connecting with companies in different cities or countries. This not only broadens their career horizons, but also allows them to gain experience in an ever-growing and evolving field.

The e-commerce domain includes knowledge of business models, logistics, marketing strategies and the use of essential tools to manage and optimize virtual stores (Illustrative Image Infobae)

The e-commerce domain includes the knowledge of business models, Logistics, marketing strategies and the use of essential tools to manage and optimize virtual stores. This knowledge not only improves the employability of young people, but also prepares them to start their own online businesses: the ability to create, manage and scale an online store is a highly valued skill in today’s market.

For SMEs, e-commerce is not just an option, but a necessity. With online shopping becoming more common, having an effective online presence can be the difference between success and failure. SMEs must adapt to digital trends to survive and thrive. This is where ecommerce knowledge becomes vital.

SMEs can greatly benefit from ecommerce strategies to reach a broader and more diverse audience. With an online store, these companies can sell their products and services beyond geographic limitations, reaching potential customers nationally and internationally. Furthermore, digital marketing strategies allow SMEs to promote their products more effectively and at a lower cost compared to traditional methods.

E-commerce is a promising job opportunity for young people, in a context where remote work is increasingly accepted and promoted (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Recognizing the importance of e-commerce, Ticmas Academy (higher education area of ​​Ticmas) has developed an ecommerce academy in collaboration with market experts and specialist teachers. According to Diego Pasjalidishead of Ticmas Academy, “the program is taught exclusively on a B2B basis, that is, It is implemented together with Governments, Companies, Universities, Associations, Foundations and Colleges to offer its interest groups a comprehensive 90-hour training, online, asynchronous and self-managed, covering all the aspects necessary to master electronic commerce and apply it effectively.”

The academy is divided into three courses:

1. Introductory course

Fundamentals of e-commerce: the basic principles of e-commerce are explored, including its history and the creation of online stores.

Types of e-commerce: Different business models are studied, such as B2B and B2C, and the distribution of digital and physical products.

Logic and product distribution: Logistics, national and international shipments, and the distribution of mixed products are explored in depth.

Discounts and offers: Strategies to generate offers and build customer loyalty.

Returns and conflicts: Exchange systems and conflict resolution are analyzed.

Additionally, the course includes modules on pricing, cross-platform systems, and customer loyalty strategies, all designed to optimize the e-commerce experience.

“Knowledge in e-commerce is essential in today’s world,” says Pasjalidis. “It is an essential tool to compete in the global market” (Illustrative image Infobae)

Social Networks Course: Commercial Use

Types of social networks: The different platforms and their characteristics are explored.

Creating stores on social networks: How to set up and manage stores on Facebook and Instagram.

Advertising on social networks: Strategies to advertise products and services.

Brand construction: Development and analysis of brand strategies.

Marketing strategies: Different approaches and techniques to viralize content and attract customers.

Mobile Commerce Course

Introduction to E-Commerce for mobile phones: Fundamentals and particularities of commerce on mobile devices.

Mobile ecosystem: Navigability, accessibility and usability.

Mobile Marketing: Specific strategies for marketing on mobile devices.

Engagement strategies: Techniques to keep users engaged.

Mobile analytics: Use of tools such as Google Analytics to measure and improve performance.

Pasjalidis says: “Knowledge in e-commerce is essential in today’s world. For young people, it represents a door to quality employment and the possibility of working remotely, which is why we are having a great demand for them. secondary schools and areas of employment universities and governments. For the SMEs“, is an essential tool to compete in the global market, which is why we work with the main institutions, even sponsored by large companies that seek to enhance their channel of sellers and resellers.”

The training offered by Ticmas Academy, with courses designed to cover all aspects of e-commerce, social networks and mobile commerce, provides the necessary skills to make the most of the opportunities of digital commerce. This knowledge not only boosts the careers of professionals, but also strengthens the competitiveness and growth of SMEs in an increasingly digitalized environment.

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