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Fears when applying for a mortgage loan

A recent work from the Real Estate Report portal together with the College of Notaries of the City of Buenos Aires, highlights What are the main concerns, queries and customer profiles? who approach a bank and a real estate agency when requesting information to take out a mortgage loan.

– The main factor of concern definitely becomes inflation, with 47.7% of the votes, in second place we have the issue of own income with 20.8%, third the mortgage rate (15.9%) and fourth a no minor issue; the exchange rate, which obtained only 11.1% of the votes but which nevertheless stood out during the Seminar as one of the most sensitive elements due to exchange rate fluctuations and the time that can pass between the reservation and the Sell ​​script.

– Who will be the recipients of UVA credits? In this case there is almost total coincidence between the result of the survey and what was expressed during the Real Estate Report Seminar / Colegio Escribanos: tenants would be the first interested parties with 50.6% of the votes, followed by owners for replacement (24.8 %) and then with 16.1% young people who currently live with their parents.

– Another important issue that was consulted is the range of values in which buyers with credits will act at least initially, an issue to take into account with respect to values, supply and demand for those of us who interact in this market. The range believed to generate the most transactions is properties from USD 60,000 to USD 100,000 with 57.9% of the votes. This amount precisely coincides with the average amount that was USD 80,000 at the peak of Macri’s UVAs, data shown by RI during the event at the College. The second group speaks of a range of USD 100,000 to USD 150,000 with 19.5% of the votes. Already in third place with 16.1% of the votes, the range would be up to USD 60,000.

One of the doubts that the real estate sector has about all this new opening of credits is obviously how much the new mortgage lines can drive sales, and in this case the general perception reaches 20% more for 60% of those consulted while the second group with 40% believes that 40% more properties would be sold.

The vision of the real estate agents consulted at this point is definitely below the reality that recent history showed us with Macri’s UVA, which in a very short time managed to motorize 48% of total sales at the end of 2017. less in CABA; In other words, the quantities were effectively doubled.

It should be noted that mortgage representatives from Banco Macro, Supervielle, Ciudad y Nación participated in this work. One of the biggest concerns that was shown by the Banks in the debate was the issue of the exchange rate, mortgage closing times and the issue of payment in dollar bills to the buyer at the time of signing the deed (parking).

The date of the survey was May 24, 2024. With a high level of responses (665), the margin of error is 3.80%, providing a statistical confidence level of 95%.

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