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Leading business group took over a mega store on Paseo del Siglo

The place of Córdoba at 2100 which occupied the Rosario Deportes outlet until April 2023 will be activated again. In mid-July, a branch of GoFarmathe brand that -under the umbrella of Oroño Group– integrates pharmacy, beauty, perfumery, personal care, etc.

“We moved the small branch that today operates on Balcarce Street to set up this megapharmacy and supply store with all types of products and services related to personal care, in addition to medications. The idea is that the customer finds a great variety of products, prices and discounts,” explained Guillermo Copello, General Manager of Essentialexclusively to biz point.

Taking into account that, in addition, it is a large commercial area (it has 470m2 and two floors), the business model that GoFarma will adopt is similar to that of national brands such as Farmacity, or its local competition, Farmashop or Vip, among others.

Strictly speaking, this commercial format arrived in the country in the 90s, inspired by the success stories that had consolidated the Boost chains in London and CVS in the United States. Farmacity emulated that formula and was also leveraged by the deregulation of the pharmaceutical sector at that time.

This flexibility has points in common with what Milei implemented in its famous DNU, in which it allows businesses to market medicines without the need for a pharmacist to be involved. In Santa Fe, however, local regulation was imposed on the DNU and the pharmacy law remains in force in its requirements. In fact, from the time GoFarma began negotiating the rental of the premises until the work actually started on the site, 8 months passed of complying with procedures and permits.

What is known about the mega-venue on Córdoba Street?

The work is in charge of the architect Simon Villavicencioand they anticipate its completion for early July, so that the opening can be held 15 days later.

The last time that property turned on its lights was in April of last year, with the most popular liquidation seen in the city in recent times: there was a 100-meter queue to enter Rosario Deportes, the firm that Nelson controlled. Graells.

With the move, the GoFarma megabranch will be strategically located a few meters from the Esencial headquarters.

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