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how much do you earn with 100 thousand pesos

Ualathe Argentine unicorn founded by Pierpaolo Barbieri, announced that, as of this Tuesday June 4who have a Savings Bank in pesos in Uilo will begin to receive an annual return of 41%.

“The interest generated will be automatically credited daily to the account, allowing access to the funds at any time, without additional movements,” the entity said in a statement.

The benefit It will apply to all users with an account balance from $10,000 to $500,000without the need to request an additional product or move money from one place to another.

“We decided to offer this benefit as a differential in our value proposition, which already includes a wide variety of products, within the framework of a challenging economic scenario in which there are practically no similar options,” said Pablo Savoldelli, Director of Wealth Management at Ualá.

Uilo beats Mercado Pago and fixed terms

This way, Uilo performance is superior to that offered by Mercado Pago and traditional fixed terms.

While the TNA of Argentina’s first 100% digital bank is 41%, that of Marcos Galperin’s fintech is 39.5%; and both, in turn, are well above those offered by traditional entities, today at an average of 32%.

Ualá launched its paid account in Uilo

This way, just having $100,000 in a savings account it is possible to generate some $3,416.67 in 30 days, about $10,604.20 in 90 and almost $50 thousand ($49,653.34, exactly) in one year, without taking any additional steps other than having the money deposited.

The yield difference of this amount, depending on the term and the tool, is:

  • 30 days: With $100,000, $103,416.67 is generated in Uilo, $103,291.67 in MP and $102,666.67 in fixed terms
  • 90 days: With $100,000, $110,604.20 is generated in Uilo, $110,203.62 in MP and $108,215.23 in fixed terms
  • 365 days: With $100,000, $149,653.34 is generated in Uilo, $147,497.08 in MP and $137,136.65 in fixed terms

Step by step: how to open a Savings Bank in Uilo

Opening a Savings Bank in Uilo can be managed through the Ualá app. It does not entail opening or maintenance costs.

To do this, it is necessary to follow the following steps:

  • Download the Ualá app for free from the Play Store or App Store
  • Select the banner that invites you to open the Savings Bank in Uilo
  • Accept the terms and conditions along with the privacy policy
  • Ready! With this, the Savings Bank will be created and the user will be able to access the benefit of 41% annual return offered by the entity
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