Euro ES Euro

Dollar Today: how much it is trading at at the opening of Tuesday, June 4

Dolar blue

First of all, the Dolar blue o Informal dollar is quoted with a selling point of $1215 and a buyer of $1235.

Dollar Currency

In turn, the dollar currencythe exchange rate that is traded in the international currency market, has a price of $896.84 as reported on the main financial information platforms under the ticker USDARS.

Official Dollar

On the other hand, the Official dollar It increases a few cents day after day and is at $916.50.

Dollar Card

For his part, the dollar card, which arises from adding to the officer a 30% solidarity tax and a 30% collection of Income Tax, is $1,466.40. Depending on the bank where you consult it, the price may vary slightly.

MEP dollar

Regarding financial exchange rates, the MEP dollar (Electronic Payment Market) is available for $1,292.60 without counting agent commissions. In this way, it becomes the cheapest free dollar on the market.

It is important to remember that this quote is based on purchasing an asset in pesos, such as the GD30 public security in immediate cash settlement and, subsequently, after keeping the asset in the portfolio for one day according to the new rules established by the National Securities Commission, sell it through the species in dollars GD30D.

CCL Dollar

Similarly, the CCL Dollar (Cash with Settlement) that arises from buying an asset in pesos and selling it in dollars abroad through type C has a price of $1,326.10. Again, not counting the commissions charged by brokerage companies.

Although both the MEP Dollar and CCL operations are unlimited, allowing them to purchase the amount of dollars that the user desires, it must be taken into account that it can only be carried out if the Solidarity Dollar was not purchased in the previous 90 days. .

Crypto Dollar

Also, the crypto dollarimplicit in the price of some cryptocurrencies, has a purchase price of $1,254 and a sale price of $1,274 on average.

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