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9 out of 10 large consumer companies already integrate sustainability into their strategy

They reduced their emissions by 31.1% on average in the last five years.

The sustainability It has permeated the mass consumption sector to the point that 9 out of 10 companies already integrate it into their strategic decision making. It is one of the conclusions of the third Sustainability Report prepared by Aecoc, the employers’ association that integrates the main companies in the sector.

As part of this environmental commitment, 74% of them expand their work areas beyond their own activity, including suppliers and customers in their sustainability strategy.

Among the tools that companies use the most to promote their decarbonization, stand out:

Companies have tools to measure the emission of Greenhouse Gases (GHG), in order to identify points of improvement and, subsequently, implement improvement and reduction measures. In fact, the report details that 93.3% of companies collect data on emissions GHG Scope 1 and 2 –those produced directly by the organization and indirectly by imported energy consumption -, while 60% also analyze those of Scope 3 -those that cover those produced by customers who use the company’s products or by suppliers who manufacture the products used by the company.

Decarbonization and footprint

Another of the most relevant conclusions of the report indicates that 77% of the companies in the sector have a decarbonization plan and 85% have already implemented measures to minimize their carbon footprint, achieving an average decrease of 31.1% in the last five years in the emissions generated, a figure more than 5 percentage points higher than the last one analyzed. In addition to reducing emissions, 41.9% of companies have projects to offset your carbon footprintsuch as reforestation plans, species repopulation or other initiatives.

Another of the most consolidated areas of work among companies is the reduction of the environmental impact of their activity based on the improvement of their Containers and packaging. Thus, 86.7% of companies have plans to reduce the materials used in their containers and packaging before 2030, while 94.7% have adopted measures to separate or recover the waste generated by their activity. One of the most present materials in containers and packaging is plastic. For this reason, 89.3% of companies affirm that they have adopted measures to reduce the packaging of their products or make them more sustainable. To confirm this commitment, companies currently use 65% recyclable or reusable plastic in their containers and packaging, and 79.7% have plans to increase that percentage before 2030. As a result, the measures implemented have allowed an average reduction In the last five years, 19.5% of the plastic destined for containers and packaging.

Energy and water

Energy reduction is a key aspect in companies’ sustainability strategies. In fact, 100% of the companies consulted affirm that they have projects to minimize your energy consumption. In this sense, 55.3% of the energy used by companies comes from renewable sources and, thanks to their strategies, in the last five years, companies have increased the use of renewable energy by 34.8%. Looking to the future, companies have set a goal for 2030 for 68% of the energy used for their activity to come from renewable sources.

In reference to water use, companies have become aware of the current context of water crisis, and 77.8% have adopted measures to limit their consumption, achieving a reduction of 15.7% in the last five years. To continue consolidating this trend and as part of their strategy, by 2030, companies propose an average reduction of 23% in their water consumption.

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