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These are the 10 cheapest cars in June 2024


In May, the patents They amounted to 34,614 units, a 5.1% above April. These data, collected by the Association of Automotive Dealers of the Argentine Republic (Acara), demonstrate a improvement in sales compared to previous months.

Although the general balance of these first five months of the year remains 22.1% below 2023 (152,339 cars have been patented to date), the recent numbers They provide a somewhat more encouraging scenario. At the beginning of the year, projections indicated that total patenting would not exceed 340,000 this 2024, a number that recently changed.

In dialogue with THE NATION, Several CEOs of some of the main automotive companies based in Argentina were optimistic about the end of the year. Both Pablo Sibilla, CEO of Renault Argentina and Martín Galdeano, president of Ford Argentina and Ford South America, as well as Gustavo Salinas, top executive of Toyota Argentina, They envision a market of around 370,000/380,000 units.

That sales rebound responds to several causes. One of them is the appearance of older financing options for the purchase of cars and another is the removal of obstacles for imports, two points which are reflected in the list prices.

The automakers adopted a policy of freezing or even reducing prices on several of the models in their range in recent months as a result of the decline in sales, and June was no exception. In the list of cheapest cars, the increases were in the order of 3% in general terms, being able to find few exceptions that were close to 5% and even a vehicle that dropped in value compared to what was published in May.

Once again, the automaker that increased its models the most was Toyota, which did so by around 5%. Even so, It still has one of the cheapest cars on the market. After several months, the Citroën C3 was once again the most accessible model, the premise with which it had gone on sale and had lost due to increases in the lists. It is the second consecutive month in which its price has been frozen.

One of the new features this month was the price reduction of the Chevrolet Joy, which fell by about 1% compared to the previous month and set its entire range at the same amount. On the other hand, Only two models fell below $20 million.

Three other models that usually make up this list, but did not do so this month, are the Chevrolet Spin, which was listed at $23,569,900; he Nissan Versa which, although it did not increase compared to last month, is listed for $24,744,400; and the the Chevrolet Tracker, with a value of $25,930,900.


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